Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Dressed in a beautifully embroidered yellow suit, Sanchi moved out of the Bundela mansion to leave for the CBI bureau. Her eyes fell on Vihaan near the garage, who was trying to fix something into his Royal Enfield. She stood behind him, staring at him for a long time in a stretch.

He turned towards her when he realized her presence. "What are you waiting for? Where is your driver?"

"Ex-cuse me?" Sanchi was awestruck.

"You heard me right. I don't expect you to be waiting for me to fetch you to your workplace. You may have your own priorities," Vihaan said, working with the steel wrench to fix the wheel of his motorbike.

Crossing her arms across her chest and enlarging her eye muscles, she uttered in a gruff voice, "Sorry to bo-ther you by my pre-sence but I am not here to ask for a lift, espe-cially from you. I am capa--ble enough to go to the bur-eau by myself. I am just here to..."

"For what?" Vihaan crossed his arms too. "To tell me about your new companions in life?"

Plastering a smirk on her face, Sanchi knitted her eyebrows together. "To settle some scores with an old com-panion."

"As if?"

"I am here to rem-ind you for one last time not to in-trude in my pers-onal space again. I have tried to ab-ide by our terms as fair-ly as poss-ible but you are not. I just don't wa-nt to come back each time to warn you aga-in and again." The rage on Sanchi's face was clearly visible.

"I have not tried intruding in your personal space ever." Vihaan gritted his teeth.

"Sorry? I did-n't get you." Sanchi raised her eyebrows. "Isn't it you who got his hands on my mobile secr-etly, dele-ted an impo-rtant message from my belo-ved bro-ther and didn't even bother to info-rm me? Like seri-ously, Vihaan? I am not a crim-inal that you have to secr-etly collect inform-ation agai-nst me!"


"Wait arro-gant jerk, can you ple-ase?" Sanchi raised her palm to prevent him from speaking. "Isn't it just the previ-ous day you were lectu-ring me on dece-ncy and isn't it the same 'decent' you who drag-ged me out in the mid-dle of a conver-sation with a collea-gue, who dele-ted my pers-onal text with-out consent and who wat-ches me in sleep for the who-le night?"

Vihaan's mouth was gaping wide when Sanchi yelled, "How does it feel wh-en I come to know from my bro-ther that he had rea-lly sent me a concer-ned text and I just miss-ed seeing it? How does it feel when you are drag-ged out of a conver-sation in front of your collea-gues? How does it feel when you have a man watch-ing you in sleep? Can you just exp-lain?"

Fresh tears trickled down Sanchi's cheeks as her accusations were smacking Vihaan right into his chest. As much as he wanted to spread out his comforting arms to her, he couldn't. He knew he was at fault and a little apologize wouldn't help much. His anger had just begun to melt when there was a horn outside the main entrance.

Dheeraj was waiting for Sanchi in his own car outside the gate and she nodded at him from afar. Before leaving for the bureau, she reminded Vihaan one more time. "You have been a jerk to me so far and you will alw-ays be. But remem-ber that from now on, I am going to main-tain a safe dist-ance from you for the next twenty days minus five mon-ths time period."

Hopping into the passenger seat, Sanchi smiled at Dheeraj. He asked, "Will Vihaan be going out of the city today as well?"

"I don't know but I thi-nk he'll be late to the bur-eau. So I request-ed you to drop me at the offi-ce today." Sanchi smiled back and Dheeraj restarted the engine.

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