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New post from @rjjunnie

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New post from @rjjunnie

12,109 likesrjjunnie all grown up now boys 🤧

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rjjunnie all grown up now boys 🤧

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ringding.donghyuck lmao you wish
jaem_out Dongfuck literally threw a full thing of cupcakes at the wall walking out of school I wouldn't say grown up
ringding_donghyuck ShUT uP jAeMin @jaem_out
softking_lee we're bIg bOy AdUlTs nOw
ah.chu.min omfg you?? Adult?? Really?? I don't think so @softking_lee

min omfg you?? Adult?? Really?? I don't think so @softking_lee

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New post from @ah.chu.min

22,208 likesah

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ah.chu.min surprised we all even got far enough to be having the graduation meal we planned first year but here we are 🤷‍♀️

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softking_lee photographer being yours truly
ah.chu.min 99% of my photos have been taken by you, I don't give credit anymore because they know @softking_lee
jaem_out my bank hates me now
ringding.donghyuck uh you chose the most expensive place possible @jaem_out
mochisung now school is gonna be boring again

donghyuck uh you chose the most expensive place possible @jaem_outmochisung now school is gonna be boring again

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New post from @mochisung

29 likesmochisung I miss 🐬

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mochisung I miss 🐬

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kokokoeun lmaoo did he not want you either?
mochisung shut up @kokokoeun he doesn't live here anymore that's it
kokokoeun are you sure? By the looks of things, he doesn't even seem to show that he's with you anymore. I don't blame him, to be honest, he probably got with you out of sympathy
mochisung If you don't like me, then move on. No ones making you comment on my posts or even look at them. I've had enough of your bullshit, so just give up already. It's not making you look any better, everyone at school thinks you're a bitch.
mochisung You're not popular. You're not smart. You're not proving anything other the fact that you're an attention seeking bitch who blames others for her own problems because she's too stubborn and vain to face them herself and realise that she's the only one who's in the wrong. Oh, and I'll tag you, because I'm not scared to, unlike some. @kokokoeun

Jisung's doing well at least we know that

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Jisung's doing well at least we know that


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