• 39 (A very mini mini chapter) •

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 (Third person POV)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(Third person POV)

Mark and Donghyuck we're both sat on the couch at Donghyuck's dorm, playing a random movie on the TV which neither of them could see or were even paying attention to. Donghyuck sat on Mark's lap, facing the older of the two who had his arms wrapped around Donghyuck's waist.

"Are you staying over tonight, then?" Donghyuck asked, making Mark shrug.

"I guess, training starts in a few days, so we have until then together-"

"SM don't let you date, do they?" The younger asked with a frown, and Mark shook his head, also frowning slightly.

"Outside of the company, not really. I'm not sure what it is with trainees, but-" He paused, grabbing hold of Donghyuck's hands. "I don't care. If I get kicked off, then that's okay, as long as I get to be with you-"

"Actually, shut up, I'm gonna be sick" Donghyuck gagged, making Mark laugh and smile softly. "How did it take you so long to realise that you're not really straight"

Mark shrugged again, messing with the bottom of Donghyuck's soft, blonde hair. The younger boy smiled at Mark's touch.

"I don't know" Mark chuckled, "I guess after the whole audition incident, it reassured me. What I did then, Hyuck, is what we like to call gay panic, Ive had a whole lot of that"

Donghyuck smiled, eventually leaning and resting his head on Mark's shoulder, his hands meeting around the Canadian boy's neck. "Do you want me to do it again?"

Mark shook his head, glancing down at Donghyuck and gently stroking the side of his head.

"I don't need to kiss you to show how much I love you, do I?"

"I don't need to kiss you to show how much I love you, do I?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Tiny but cute

 Tiny but cute

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 || 𝙽𝙲𝚃 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝚃𝙰 𝙰𝚄 || ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ