A/N: Happy RiSe Day!

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I have a rant book to post this in, but since this has so many reads, I'm doing it here

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I have a rant book to post this in, but since this has so many reads, I'm doing it here. I want more people to know who Ladies' Code are and the angel that is Kwon Rise.

I only recently started stanning Ladies' Code, but Rise is so far up my bias list. I love everything about her, and I wish I got into Kpop earlier than I did so that I could enjoy the music before the accident.

23 years old. She was 23 years old when we lost her in 2014.

She had such a bright future ahead of her, so much talent that people just slept on. It's sad, really, to think of how a lot of people only found out about them through RiSe and EunB. But that's besides the point. What maters is, we lost such a gem.

Happy birthday, Miss Korea Japan Jin, an angel that we lost way too soon. Thank you for inspiring so many people and blessing us with your absolutely beautiful voice.

Rest in peace, Rise❤️

- Hiro

Now go stan Ladies' Code

That song is the song they recorded before the accident, but used as a tribute to RiSe and EunB after it happened. I cry every time. It's such a beautiful music video.

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