Growing Up Together (Bakugou Katsuki x reader)

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Bakugou and I have been Best Friends for longer then I could remember. We met one day at the park on a breezy summer day, with Bakugou and I only being around the age of four or five. I was playing on the swing when I suddenly saw a boy march proudly a few feet in front of me as if he were off to slay a dragon. My eyes had followed him curiously and without hesitation, I jumped off and began to follow him.

His hedgehog-like hair was the shade of sand and his eyes were a deep shade of red, the color of heroes. Before I lost him, I briskly tapped the boy on the shoulder. He turned around with a look of pure anger and I gave him a short, shy smile.

"What do you want, don't you see I'm training to be the world's best hero!" He had shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry! My name is L/n F/n and I just wanted to ask what you were playing," He was taken aback by this statement, his mouth opened for a split second but immediately closed. It was as if he didn't know what to say.

Finally, the boy managed to speak, "My name is Bakugou Katsuki and I'm training to become the greatest hero!" I giggled as any child would at his blunt remark as a million questions flooded my head but I kept my composure.

"Can I play with you then?" I inquired to my new found friend. Bakugou scoffed and crossed his arms defiantly.

"Fine, but only if you have a quirk. I don't want a quirkless baby as a friend," I grinned as if I were accepting a challenge. I clasped my hands together and (insert cool quirk move). Bakugou looked around in awe, his mouth slightly agape but instantly covered it with another scoff.

"I guess you are cool enough to hang out with me,"

Ever since that day, our mothers exchanged numbers and we became inseparable friends. Along the way, we became friends with another boy named Izuku Midoriya who was the sweetest, most caring person  I've met. He kinda balanced out Bakugou's short-temper.

Along the years, Bakugou became stronger and stronger and even began to start making fun of Midoriya, or who he liked to call Deku for being quirkless. I honestly didn't know why he did it, even when I asked him he waved it off as if it weren't important, instead of yelling like he usually does. It's like I was treated unlike the rest of his friends or classmates. Was it because I was a girl? No, that couldn't be it since the other girls in the class were yelled at too. It's like if his eyes were all rage but they would soften when they landed on me. Granted, he was still scowling but it was almost in a friendly way.

Our relationship, in general, was unexplainable. I was the compassionate, ambitious one; A girl who stood up against the unjust and cruel. Yet here I was, Best Friends with a very ill-tempered, bully who yells and makes fun of everyone. Well, everyone except me of course. No matter how many times I stood up against him or his so-called friends he would always just roll his eyes and scoff but never made fun of me. Deku said it was because I was his Best Friend and the only one he would listen to. He even said it might because he had a crush on me, but I never really liked discussing that topic. Maybe our friendship was meant to be and that's why it works. I mean how could the 'good girl' be friends with the mean 'bully'?

Nevertheless, when we got older, Bakugou, Deku and I went to the entrance exam for UA. It had been a big dream for us all. It was obvious that Bakugou would get in thanks to his brute strength and skill but I, on the other hand, was pretty scrawny. Deku didn't even have a quirk and although I wanted to support him too, it just seemed unrealistic for him to get in. So it was a huge surprise when all three of us got into UA. We even got into class 1-A! 

While Bakugou and Deku excelled in all of the classes, I was kinda left in the middle as in an 'I'm not that great but I'm not terrible either' sort of way. I was fine with that though, as long as I helped people that's good right? 

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