39. The Kick Back

Start from the beginning

"I was kidding. I actually do want kids. I want a chance to give a child something I never had. Well, I want to give it to them properly and that's a mother. Even if we adopt or something. I want the chance to be a mother one day. And I think we'd both be great at it. And even if we aren't, we'll be ruining some poor kid's life together."

I love her so much.

"Good, because I'm pregnant." I said only for Nadia to stale face me.

"Yeah and I'm straight."

"Okay enough with the lying. I have a great idea that I wanted to run by you." I said remembering the thing that had been on my mind since yesterday.

"What is it?" Nadia asked looking a little worried.

"Why that face?"

"No reason. What's your idea?" Nadia forced a smile.

"Well with finals coming up and summer coming right after, I thought it would be good to get our whole squad together to hangout one last time before we have to go our separate ways. We could have a kickback." I revealed and Nadia looked relieved.

"That's actually not a bad idea. It sounds like it would be fun, but where?" Nadia asked and I didn't have an answer.

"Uh, what about Raquel and Malaya's place?" I just threw something out and Nadia laughed.

"You know damn well they wouldn't go for that. They barely like you coming over there. Why would they let you host a kickback?"

"They love me and they love my company. Everyone does." I was a little offended by Nadia's false claim.

"Of course they do, baby. Let me call and ask them." Nadia said pulling out her phone.


To my surprise, Raquel and Malaya said 'No'.

"Told you." Nadia said once she hung up the phone. "I can see if my dad will let us have it here. Who all are you trying to invite?"

"Well the usual people." I shrugged. "You know, us obviously, Raquel, Malaya, Jayla, Aniya, Parker, Chastity, AJ, Gio, his girl, Jade, and Ro. Oh yeah, I would see if Sydney and Katie could come too. They're cool."

"You mean the Sydney you kissed?" Nadia asked with her eyes narrowed and I rolled my eyes.

"You already know why I did that and she's not even into me. She likes Katie. Why are you bringing up old stuff anyway?" I asked and Nadia rolled her eyes.

"I just asked a question, Daniella. I don't know her and that's the first thing that came to mind when you said her name."

I still hadn't gotten the chance to formally introduce Nadia and Sydney. The kickback would give me the opportunity to do that.

"Mhm. You sounded a little jealous if you ask me. Don't forget that I was single when I kissed her and she didn't even like it, so it doesn't count."

"So, do you want to start an argument or can we move past this?" Nadia asked looking bored with where the conversation was heading.

That was something new that I had to get used to. She wasn't as argumentative as before. Stuff that used to piss her off doesn't anymore. I don't know if this is bad to admit, but sometimes I liked arguing with Nadia. She's sexy when she's mad, but the last thing I want to do is let anything toxic from our last relationship carry over into this one. And purposely trying to make each other mad for our own entertainment is a little toxic. Besides, my baby is sexy no matter what mood she's in.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now