"Oh Akako, a word."

"Please, make it only one I am in a rush. Our countrymen are becoming restless."

She smiled, "I am going to venture to the Geishu wing to meet with Ikumi," That made Akako loose some of her distress, "I feel the need to speak to her."

Akako smiled, "Fine, I will inform our lord. But please, inform the Geishu guard of your intent and speak to Takashi or that new girl..."


"To make certain it is permitted."

She bowed, "I won't be long."

Akako smiled again, "Take your time," She touched her arm, "You've earned it, my dear."

Riku had no problem getting through the guard. Navigating the halls of the Geishu wing was another matter. The direction the guards had were quite indifferent and she was turned all around in no time. She asked a passing retainer for assistance and she was kind enough to put Riku on the proper path. She could tell by the din of that she was nearing the right place. The servant's wing was a torrent of activity. But it was to be expected. Servants rarely gain a reprieve from their labours even when the day had gone well. Riku looked about the tumult of people, trying her best to keep out of their way and not making too much of a spectacle of herself. But she was in Hikiji livery and so eventually she'd be recognised.

"May I help you, miss?"

Riku turned, and had she known she would have recognised Biru, and bowed, "I am looking for Takashi-san or Tori-chan. My name is Riku from the Hikiji."

"I recognise you, Riku-chan, please follow me and I will bring you to the one you seek."

"Many thanks."

Takashi was looking over a scroll when Biru approached, "Takashi-san I bring a Hikiji visitor."

He looked up, "Ah yes," He rolled up the scroll and bowed to Riku, "This is an honour, Riku-chan. How may I be of service?"

"Is it possible for me to meet with Ikumi-chan. I know the hour is late, but I felt compelled to talk with her privately about our sudden association."

He smiled, "Of course. Follow me."

Takashi could not venture into the women's wing so he had to impose upon Tori to see to Riku's needs. Tori was still up, going over tomorrow's meal rather than turning in. Upon seeing Riku the woman quickly dressed and set off immediately. She even dragged poor Biru with her, just in case. Ikumi was exhausted, but still awake. She was tending to her sore feet and the kink in her shoulder that seemed to get worse with each performance. The knock at her door gave her a start. The sight of Riku was double that. But soon that jolt turned into elation. Of course she'd talk with the woman. Tori invited herself into the proceedings and bid Biru to bring them all sake and some sweet cakes. Neither dancer balked at such a request. First came the introductions and the story of their lives. Of when and where they started dancing, their teachers and their favourite programs. Then how they came into service with their respective lord and on that regard they were similar. But that's how it was usually. With the preliminaries out of the way they spoke of that night. And with that all three women began to glow with pride.

"I couldn't believe I was given 'Cherry Blossoms' in such mixed company," She leaned in close to Riku, "I'm sorry, but if my mother had been present, she would have boxed your lord's ears for such a thing."

She smiled, "No less than what my mother would do to your lord for having to perform 'Warrior'" She scoffed, "And then she would have boxed mine for having known how to dance it in the first place."

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