Chapter 22

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You smile while Jimin continues to think while making up moves. 

The dean walks in and you stand up quickly. The two of you bow. 

"There's someone here to see the two of you. He said he was a family friend. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

You both bow again as he leaves. 

A man walks in and Jimin steps in front of you a bit. You notice his actions but grow very confused. 

"Jimin nice to see you again. Would you mind stepping out for a moment so I may speak to her... alone?"

Jimin doesn't move an inch though. "Sir not to be rude but we are working on something that's due Monday... and I hate leaving her side." 

The man smiles and chuckles. "Jimin, it's me. Why would I harm the girl whose protecting my son with her life?"

You freeze at his words then look at Jimin. 

Jimin however doesn't flinch at all. "I cannot leave her side. When she is not with Yoongi one of us is always with them. They are not to be left alone unless they are together." 

You continue to stare at Jimin.

The man nods. "Fine. Y/N it's nice to finally meet you." 

You finally move, turning away from Jimin and bowing to the man. You don't move away from Jimin's side though. You make sure you are still safely secure close to him.

Mr. Min moves closer to the both of you and Jimin grabs your hand pulling you closer to him. 

Mr. Min stops. "Jimin there's no need to worry. We are allies. I just wanted to see her closer. She looks absolutely stunning... You almost remind me on Jungkook."

The man looks around the room while you look at Jimin with wide eyes. "It'll be ok." You nod and the man looks at the two of you. 

"Did you know Jungkook had a sister? He never shares details about her but I find it highly interesting how you match up so well to him."

He walks closer and stops right in front of the two of you. "A little birdy on the street told me that your relationship with Jungkook is more than just business. I know you are the nights errand girl but I'm going to take it that you're his little sister. It would make more sense... I'm here to warn you that the men you are messing with can kill you before you even blink."

Jimin balls his fist. "Sir, I think it's time you leave. I don't appreciate you threatening her." 

Mr. Min laughs. "I didn't mean to offend you or your girlfriend." 

 "If you don't want to offend someone I suggest you back away from her right now!"

You all turn to the door where you see a very angry Min Yoongi. 

You look at Jimin who then pulls you completely behind him and watches Yoongi.

"Yoongi, my son. You're actually attending your classes now. That's great, I guess it's because you can't leave your guards side right?"

Yoongi walks in and stands next to Jimin blocking you from the man completely now. "Leave and stay away from her, she's done nothing wrong." 

The man laughs. "Done nothing wrong... My boy, she killed one of the men. He was working under some highly powerful people."

You freeze in your place and Jimin turns to you. 


 "I-I killed someone?" 

I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now