Chapter 9

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You join the others back at the table and your phone goes off signaling you have a text. You look at it and see it's from Chanyeol. 

"Hey Chanyeol here. What are you doing tomorrow night?" 

You smirk and respond. "Going to hang out with a very tall, handsome guy, why?"

Your food arrives at the table and you all start eating, Chanyeol responds. 

"Oh, ok. Nevermind then." 

You chuckle a bit before responded. "I was talking about you pabo. Meet me at the local cafe at 5 tomorrow." Chanyeol responds confirming he'll be there.

Jimin looks at you. "What are you doing?" He takes your phone and scrolls through your texts. 

"Yah give that back." 

Jimin shakes his head and throws your phone back at you. "No turning back now. Be careful." You nod, then inform the others about Chanyeol.


After you finish eating, you all pay and head to the club. You and Yoongi get into your car and follow the others. "Tomorrow Taehyung and Jimin will be with you. I have stuff to do." 

He nods. "You mean a guy to do?" 

You scoff. "Shut it. You're one to talk. I just need information."

Yoongi looks at you. "Where am I going with Taehyung and Jimin?" 

You park in front of the club. "Jungkook has work for you both." 

Yoongi's eyes widen. "You know? They told me that they didn't want you to know."

You nod and get out of the car. "They told me earlier. They can't hide shit from me. I saw you leave the other day at the club. I kind of got the hint what you were doing. Be careful out there. And watch Tae's back, he's too special to be a delivery person. Too innocent."

Yoongi walks inside next to you. "I promise." He looks at you and take a deep breath. "Hey Y/N-" 

He's cut off by Jimin. "Y/N-AH DANCE WITH ME!" You smile as he grabs your arm and drags you. "YOONGI YELL IF YOU NEED SOMETHING!"

Yoongi nods and sits at the bar. I.M approaches him and hands him a Corona. "On the house buddy." He slightly smiles and thanks him. 

Yoongi drinks his drink while watching you and Jimin dance. He trails of into his thoughts till Jungkook snaps him out of it.

Jungkook sits next to him and laughs. "Yoongi you make it obvious you are looking at my sister." 

Yoongi looks at him. "Sorry. She just said something earlier that I can't get out of my head." 

He chuckles. "I know I heard her. You know she's not wrong. You're a dick."

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Yea, whatever." 

Jungkooks pats his back and stands up. "You don't always have to be one. And if you don't cut it with the fuckboy act, you're gonna end up alone for the rest of you life. Look at us. We don't fuck around like that. Be cold to those who deserve it only, treat everyone else with respect... especially women. That's how we roll."

Jungkook walks away to the back and Yoongi sits there thinking again. 


Yoongi looks up from his drink when you jump over the counter of the bar. 

You walk over to him. "Do me a solid, stop staring at me. Jimin said you've been watching me all night. In here you're free Yoongi."

Yoongi nods. "Just wanted to make sure I didn't lose my babysitter." 

I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now