Chapter 18

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You wake up the next morning with a massive headache. You find it hard to move and tears fall down your face again. 

Leo approaches you. "Tell me one last time. Whose Jungkook?" 

You shake your head. "The only Jungkook I know is my boss but I never see him. He's always in his office."

Leo sighs and starts to worry a bit about what he did. Ravi walks in with a file and Leo looks at him. "Did I kidnap an innocent girl?" 

Ravi looks down and sighs. "Her name according to her school records and background check I did proves she's innocent."

Leo shakes his head. "Who is she?" 

Ravi reads him the file. "Song Y/N, college student majoring in Music. She was an honor student in high school and ranked high in her class. Same for her college grades. She's a quiet girl who doesn't talk much to people. She keeps to herself."

Leo shakes his head. "Take her to an ER close by and ensure she doesn't tell them anything. It was just an accident. She fell trying to climb a tree." 

Ravi nods and takes the chains off you. He throws you over his shoulder and carries you out of the building and you pass out.



You wake up to the sound of beeping. You look around and realize you're in a hospital room. You sit up fast but instantly stop when your head starts to pound. 

A nurse walks in. "Oh my, you're awake. How are you feeling miss?"

You look around and see Ravi in the corner of the room. "My head hurts." 

She nods. "I'll get you some meds. You should be more careful when climbing trees." 

You chuckle and look at Ravi again. He smirks at you and the nurse leaves to get your medicine.

Ravi stands. "I read your file. You have no one to call. Your parents died in a car accident and you're an only child. Disappointing. Don't tell anyone what happened, it was our mistake. We apologize... You fell from a tree trying to have fun in the park. That's all you remember."

You nod and he smiles. "Good. I'll see you around." He leaves and you sigh. 


The nurse returns and gives you some pain killers. "Is there anyone I can call for you?" 

You nod. "My best friend Jimin. I can call him though. Where's my phone?" She hands it to you then leaves.

You dial Jimin's number. "Y/N-AH! OMO ARE YOU OK? WHERE ARE YOU?" 

You begin to cry hard into the phone. "J-Jimin. I'm at the ER. Come alone, please. The others can't be seen. People are starting to ask about my relationship to Jungkook. If it weren't for the fake name and profile you set up, I would have been dead by now."

Jimin grabs his keys and runs out the door. "I'm on my way. I'll update the others. Hang in there." 

You nod and hang up. You stare at the roof and cry silently before the meds kick in. You slowly start to drift to sleep again.



You wake up to the sound of Jimin's voice screaming your name while tears fall from his eyes. You start to cry as well and wrap your arms around him. 

He hugs you tightly and sighs in relief. "Thank god you're alive."

You smile at him. "I need to get out of here. I've had enough flashbacks for one day. Can I please go home now?" 

I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now