Chapter 17

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Jimin quickly takes his phone out and calls Jungkook. 


Jimin tries to catch his breath as he is panicking. 

"Jimin? What's going on?" 

Jimin takes a deep breath. "Y/N has been kidnapped. I think it was Leo. We were too far to see for sure. They took her in a black van."

Jungkook starts to panic and grows angry. "Jimin get back here right away. I'll call Seokjin and tell him to come back." 

Jimin looks at Taehyung. "We're on our way back now." 

Jungkook hangs up and texts Seokjin.


Seokjin takes his phone out when he hears it go off and reads the text. "Looks like Jungkook needs us back. Not sure why though." 

Yoongi nods. Seokjin turns the car back on and drives back to the club.


Jimin and Taehyung run into the club. Jimin has tears in his eyes at this point while Taehyung has already been crying since they lost you. 

Jungkook looks at them both as he holds his tears back. "Tell me everything that happened NOW!"

Jimin nods. Hoseok gives Taehyung a tissue and comforts him. Namjoon stands next to Jungkook as Jimin explains what happened. 

"It was definitely Leo. I saw his men start to follow her earlier but they weren't in a van. He has to be working with someone else."

Seokjin and Yoongi walk in. Seokjin looks around and can tell something is wrong. "What's wrong Kookie?" 

Jungkook looks at him. "Hyung, my sister was kidnapped." 

Yoongi freezes as his breath gets stuck in his throat. He feels his eyes start to burn.

Seokjin looks at Jungkook. "What happened?" 

They explain everything and Yoongi stands there trying to recollect himself and act tough. Everyone notices how worried he seems and can tell his feelings for you are genuine.

Jungkook walks over to Yoongi and places his hand on his arm. "We'll get her back. No one messes with BTS. We are all family, including you. No one touches our family and gets away with it. Let's go get her back." 

Yoongi nods and follows the others as they come up with a plan.



You wake up and find yourself chained to a wall. You try to break the chains but fail. You hear a faint chuckle and look to where it came from but your vision is too blurry to see them clearly.

"Don't bother. After you broke out of the last pair we got some of the strongest ones."

You blink a few times and start to see the man more clearly as he moves towards you. "Leo?" 

Leo smiles. "Correct. I'm surprised you can still tell it's me. You struggled and fought a lot, you were hit in the head many, many times." 

You can feel your head throbbing and sigh.

Leo kneels in front of you. "Why don't you tell me how you know Jungkook?" 

You shake your head. "Who?" 

Leo tightens his jaw. "Don't play dumb with me. We saw you enter his club earlier. Tell me how you know Jeon Jungkook."

You look up at him. "Oh you mean the dance club... I work behind the bar. Jungkook is my boss. I went to check my schedule." 

I'll Protect You Book 1 (Min Yoongi x Reader) - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now