In The End It's Him And I

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~(Y/n) POV~

We have been running for almost 5 minutes when everything, instead of black and white, turned back to normal. The moon was hidden behind some clouds, but even so, it made us feel safe. The boy lets go of my hand and turn around. 'Him? How' was all I had time to think before he spoke up.

"Are you stupid or something? Chilling with a demon and playing death chess while drinking tea in which who knows what he has put in?! What are you, nuts?" Leo starts to shout at me angrily.

Worry was written all over his face as well as fear but he didn't want to show it apparently. I let a breath I didn't understand I was holding. I sit down on a rock and look at him again confused. 'Didn't Bill say we were in a dream? And besides, everyone and everything seemed frozen...'

"How did you find me?" Out of all the things I could say, of all the things I could ask, I choose this stupid one! He sits next to me and takes a deep breath. when he lets it go he starts talking without looking at me.

"I had gone for a walk after a fight I had with my cousin when all of a sudden some bats stopped flying in midair some meters away from me. I knew it must have been that good for nothing demon and that maybe someone was in danger so I started to search for him deeper in the woods. I found you and him playing chess and drinking tea like good old buddies! when I saw you falling... I..." He stops and takes another deep breath.

"I wanted to catch you but I knew afterward he would kill me for intruding. So I hid behind a bush and waited for him to leave so that I could approach you. But you started running away from him and I knew I had to help you somehow." He moves a little on his seat and takes something out of his back pocket.

"I always have some holy water and a smoke bomb with me. You never know in what danger you can get into or what creatures you might meet in these woods." He smiles at himself proudly.

"Anyways, I used those to distract him, though holly water doesn't do much damage at him... Oh, and I used this knife to cut those things that were holding you down." He says and he shows me the knife.

'Where did this come from?' I look a little -ok a lot-  surprised when I notice it. Then I get worried about the way he is holding it. He holds it from the pointy side. He might have understood my worry and laughs a little.

"Don't worry about it. I'm an expert at using knives!" and with that, he starts playing with it, swinging it through his fingers, making me for some reason more and more anxious.

"Do you have any idea who you were talking with?" he asks with a serious look in his eye, stopping playing with his knife.

"He was Bill Cypher, a dream demon," I say with a small voice. He gets up, anger now written around his face.

"Exactly, a DEMON. Do you know what terrible things he could do to you?" He asks and sighs. "I can't lose you dummy" He adds with a voice so quiet as a whisper. But I was able to hear.

He sits back down and hugs me tightly. "Do you know what he wanted?" He asks, letting go a little so that he would be able to look at me. I nod.

"He.. wanted to kill the ones I care about for a stupid dream of mine," I say a little surprised. I hadn't noticed how important those people were to me until now.

He brushes a tear that slipped from my eye and hugs me again tightly. "Why did you even met with him?" He asks mostly to himself. I get back a little and look in his blue eyes.

"I heard voices from my past. I heard so many familiar voices of which some I hated and some I wished to see the person they belonged to once again. I have almost no memory of the second ones so I wanted to see if by following them would help me remember anything."

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