"We'll Meet Again."

578 21 35

~(Y/n) POV~


I had fallen asleep after half an hour on the bus.


All I was seeing was black but now that have past some time the scene has changed. I'm in a forest in the middle of nowhere. "Great. Where should I head to?"
After a while of thinking, I started walking to where I thought the city would be.


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After a long walk, I sit down of a tree to charge my batteries. The sunlight hits me in the eyes and makes me even hotter. Something covers the sun but not for long. 'What was that? It can't be a cloud either the leaves. So what??'
Suddenly a big creature with a tale, 4 legs, long neck, and wings flies above me.

"Was... Was that... a DRAGON??!!!! No way! They aren't real. But I just saw one." I say aloud with confusion and fear. "What is this place?" A roar could be heard from far away so I decided to start running in the other direction.

I start to slow down when I can't hear it anymore. I take a look behind me to be sure and continue to walk but not far away was a sign that I think had written in it 'GRAVITY FALLS'.
'This CAN'T be good. Isn't this the place I will spend the WHOLE summer?  If this beast is from here I do not know until when I will live!' I think terrified as I glare around me.
A white light hits me in the face and gains my attention. It was coming from a stunning, white, male deer. I notice that from where he is standing and beyond all the scene is black and white. It is very suspicious but when he nods for me to follow, I do it. I don't know... Maybe it was my curiosity or the fact that I found these mysterious things amusing.

 Maybe it was my curiosity or the fact that I found these mysterious things amusing

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We walked, and walked, and walked but there was nothing. Only trees and more trees. He turns right again to a tree but when I do... He is gone.
'Brilliant! You let a deer that glows to show you the way to a black and white forest in the middle of nowhere. What after? Be friends with a minotaur or marry a gnome?' I  say to myself.

I am just sitting there. Looking around to find that deer. That is until I hear a male voice. I think it was... singing? Ok, what can be wrong... A yellow light starts coming from the direction of the voice. I start heading to that way without thinking.

I try to understand the lyrics of that song and if I have heard it anywhere. No luck. 'It must be old.' As I get closer I can hear better the melody and understand some words. I have many questions but these keep running through my head the most: 'This melody... Is so familiar! But from where? And who used to sing it to me?'
The only now line I understand is:

We'll Meet Again,

Don't Know Where

Don't Know When

But I Know We'll Meet Again

Some Sunny Day!

He doesn't have the best voice but somehow it was magical. I do not understand why he sings this song! But I can't find out now because the song ended while I was thinking and something is happening. Everything starts to become fainter.
"NO! Nononono! I need to find out who that man is at least. Or what he is." I scream but before I could see his figure...


"Last stop: Gravity Falls," the driver says. I open my eyes and look around me.
'All this was just a dream?!' Was all I could think. I look at my phone. 12:50. I get up and get all my stuff. Then I head to the door. Once it opens I start to look around for aunt Melody... Nothing again.
"Hey kid, will you get off or not? I don't have all day you know." The driver says. I apologize and step forward and out of the bus.

'I'll just wait for her' and that was what I did.'But... What an odd dream.'



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