SUMMER... Once Again

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* We'll miss ya kid.*
*Have a nice trip kidoes.*
*See ya all next summer!*...


~Dipper's POV~

Aaahh... Summer at last. School is over for three months... Three months with mysteries, funny things and spending time with my gruncles without thinking about anything besides having fun.
"Hey Dip-Dip, stop daydreaming and start packing!!!" my sister screams from our room. I couldn't hide the fact that we are going back to Gravity Falls!!! And the best part is that gruncle Stan and Ford returned from their trip a few days ago and they'll stay ALL SUMMER !!!!!!!

'I have so many questions to ask them, so many stories to hear... It will be just like last summer... or even BETTER !!!!!' I thought to myself going up to Mabel, my twinny as she was now calling me. Once again my sister snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Bro-bro tell me that you are still thinking of Wendy! I thought you were over her" she says teasingly.

"Nope. Just thinking about the big, epic adventures that we'll be living again......" a little later it hits me.
"Wait, what did you mean by 'thought'? I AM over her." I say while searching for my hat.

" Yeeeaaaa....." Mabel tells me sarcastically. " Well, at least I hope that this time we won't go to die." She continues reminding me of the event. I say nothing and continue to search, this time my black light torch.

It was silent for a while... too silent, but it doesn't bother me. Then it breaks by an unexpected question. "Hey Dipper" she makes a little pause there and I turn and look at her in the eyes but she has her head facing the floor.

'What now?' I ask myself. Suddenly she faces me with her sad, brown eyes that had a hint of hope and asks me: "Do you think that we'll get our summer romances this time?"

I am shocked. I really didn't think that she would ask ME that. I was expecting to see her happy and tell me that *this summer I WILL get my summer romance and nothing will stand in my way!* and maybe if she wanted to do that question she'd ask her friends Grenda and Candy.... but surely not ME
'Oh no. Oh nononono!! What do I tell her now?! What kind of question is this ?? Think Dipper, think.' I keep telling myself but it doesn't work. It's only making me more and more nervous.

"Earth to Dipping Sauce..!!" she says while waving her hand in my face
"Ehh.What..?" I returned to reality
"You were spacing out and forgot to answer my question," she explains moving her hands as our teacher would.
'Ohh no. I forgot all about that. Good job Dipper, good job.' I reward myself ironically.
"Well... I don't know for me but for you, I'm 100% sure!" 'Well done genius. you saved the day!'
"Awww you're just saying that and of course, you'll find. At least one." And she punches me softly at the arm.

The rest of the day goes peacefully and we are ready for our trip back to our beloved Gravity Falls.


~Mabel's POV~

the sun starts to rise. I didn't sleep very much because of my joy and anxiety.'What time is it?' I think as I lazily search for my clock. ' It's only 6 in the morning!! Uhhh!!! I can't wait until 8!' then I get up and start to get ready. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep so making a new sweater seemed like a good idea


I couldn't wait anymore so I run to our room and start to shake Dipper.
"Bro. Bro!! Wake up. Today is the day!!"I screamed in his ear.
"Hmm... Mabel... What time is it?" He asks while he looks at his watch.
"WHAT?! ONLY SEVEN??!!!... Mabel! My lovely sister...." 'Oh-ho! I don't like where this is going!' He looks at me angrily and a voice inside me tells me to run now that I can. But this was Dipper. He wouldn't hurt me...But he would do worse.

"Care to explain why you woke me up before 7:30??" He says with a more calmly voice.

"Well... Uhh... I woke up at six..." I look at him and he nods for me to continue. "And I was bored... And didn't want you to forget anything behind that you might have forgotten of it. So get up and start searching the house!"

"Ok. Ok. Only because you might be right for the last part."
'YES!! He won't tickle me like last time.'

"AND I know that you were just bored. All the other things, you made them up." He is looking at me with his Sherlock Holmes eyes 'How. Of course, he's Dipper. I hate when he does that. Well... not always... sometimes.. Uhh!'

10 TO 8

We are now to the bus stop saying goodbye to our parents. We had put our things and Waddles inside and the driver was waiting. We don't care very much.
"Be safe." Our dad tells us while hugging us. Then he goes again to mum and puts his hand around her.
"You know, we wanted to spend this summer together." Mum says.
"Don't worry. There is always the Christmas holidays, weekends and next summer!" Dipper replies with a big smile, trying to make her smile too.
"Then... Have fun kids! And stay out of trouble!" She says with a smile.
"We will." I reply.
"Have a nice trip"
We sit down and the bus starts to move.
"Goodbye Piedmont. Hello Gravity Falls!!" Dip yells and we both start laughing.


{The alphabet reverse}

*Hello. Well... this is my first book but please let me know what you think. If you don't like it then how can I make it better? I'd also like to hear your ideas. Plus there will be A surprise at the end of every chapter. Thanks*

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