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Hey hey! I'm sorry I haven't been updating a lot... idk what's happening I just get busy and forget to write. I think I'm gonna postpone my other stories until I finish this one, which will likely be eleven or so more chapters till it is finished. I'm not sure if I will stick to that though.

I do want to finish this book, but I might update other books from time to time.

This one is kind of short??? I tried to make it not short but hey! The peeps y'all been waiting for is coming next chapter!


Days passed of Jimin avoiding them. That pit in their stomaches had only grown. They could only watch from afar as the one they wanted the most lived his life without them.

Jimin wasn't happy per se, but he was better. He never missed the pairs of eyes that seemed to always follow him, or the pauses in the hallway when he can feel their presence stop for a second before hurrying along.

When they do have the balls to talk to him, he shuts them down fast.

He doesn't have time for their angsty bullshit.

Another reason he wanted to come back to Seoul rather than transferring back to Busan, was because of his Uncle's relations here. Things have been getting more and more hectic in the Seoul branch of their organization. He had already let his uncle know what business he'd be doing here, trying to reestablish relationships with the families.

So he was already busy with his own angsty bullshit. Of course he wasn't retarded enough to agree to meet anyone without his body guards with him, everything was strictly set to calls and emails. There was just one group that seemed to cut him off completely...

"Hey Jimin!"

Jimin looked up from intensely glaring at his screen, the name "Yobu" written at the top of the email.

Hoseok smiled as brightly as he could as he sat next to the boy on the wooden floor of their dance studio.

"Do you need something?" The blond mumbled under the iconic black mask he always wore. "You know what I want..." Jimin sighed, "Hoseok. I'm busy these days, I don't have time to hang out." The words seemed innocent enough, but it was said coldly and without emotion. Of course it would, they were practiced every morning since he got back; it's what he told each and every one of the members of BTS.

"Ah... will you always be busy? Or-"

The small boy saw a flash of red as a sudden surge of anger boiled in his gut. He's spent five days trying his best to stay away from his bullies. They weren't hurting him anymore, but that would be expected since the school put more enforcement into anti bullying.

The point was, they refused to leave him alone. They kept insisting that they just want to talk, acting all nice. As if that will erase the years of pain they caused him!

"I said I'm busy. What the fuck is wrong with you guys anyway? Huh? The last time I spoke to you before leaving, you accused me of being high and then hit me! Didn't even bother to ask me why I hid my identity from you!" Jimin was far from done talking,  it letting the other interrupt. "I'll answer that now then! Ever since I came back from Busan the first time, you, Taehyung, and Yoongi treated me like shit for no reason. I didn't even know who most of you were, but you beat me, spat on me, and did your fucking best to tear me down. That dance studio was my breath of relief from you shit bags. I love dancing with my heart and soul, but then YOU come and it comes crashing down all over again. You guys wanted me broken. And it was working."

"Until I went back home and realized that you have no right. You don't know my story, so don't bother trying to tell it to others. I came back and suddenly everyone is nice to me, wants to hang out. It makes me sick. You all act like the last three years didn't happen. Hell, Jungkook tried to kill me barely a month ago! You know that's illegal? That can get people like you killed. You can get killed just for having spoken to Jungkook. I could honestly care less about what happen to you guys, I really should to be honest... but I need a break." The blond was out of breath at the end of his rant, only whispering the last words, "Just give me a break."

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