Chapter 31 - Cheating?!

Start from the beginning

"Got comfort food" I added, gesturing to the cookie jar.
"I would've brought ice cream but we don't have any at the moment"
Cause I ate all of it during my own mental breakdown... Not that I said that out loud. He sniffled a little and wiped a tear away while opening the door a bit further.
"A-are the others coming too?"

"No, just me" I said, not wanting to push my luck by barging in. I need to wait for his permission.
"Oh... Close the door behind you" he whispered, stepping back from the door, allowing me to enter. I pushed it open and closed it behind me like he asked. His room didn't change a bit... Wild waves on the walls, fitness equipment dominating any free space he might have. It was a mess but I didn't complain.

The red head dropped face first on his bed, crying again. I sighed, sitting down on the bed next to him and patting his back. I put the jar down, opening it up and taking out a chocolate cookie.
"Here" I muttered, offering him the food. He glanced up, taking it with shaking hands before munching it down. I handed him another one, making him sit up right on his bed.

"You must think I'm pathetic or something..." he mumbled while taking small bites from the food.
"Tch. You should've seen the mess I was just a day ago..." I sighed, making his eyes widen in surprise.
"The class had to take turns babysitting me because they were scared of what I would do if I was left alone"
"Y-you were that out o-of c-control?" he asked in a whisper.

"I had to wear quirk eraser bracelets" I said, taking a cookie from the jar but now for myself.
"Cried in front of all those fucking extra's too... Yeah, you really missed the pity party"
He let out a dry chuckle, I've never hear him laugh with so little emotion. It was terrifying.
"All for me? Or for your boyfriend?"
"For the both of you, knucklehead" I scoffed, pushing him a little.

"Yeah right... Like I'm worth worrying about..." Kirishima muttered.
"Oi! Don't talk like that!" I hissed, glaring at him.
"You are worth the fucking world, you hear me? You're my damn best friend and without you I would never survive in this class full of morons!"
He teared up, looking at me like he has never looked at me before.

"Y-you really m-mean that? I-I... I'm your best friend?"

He started to wail and I pulled him to my chest, slowly rubbing his back in a comforting manner. And so he cried in my arms, sobbing, wailing. We stayed like that for a while, the only sound being shitty hair's crying. Suddenly he pulled back, staring me in the eye. He slowly placed a hand on my cheek, inching closer to me. His eyes slowly closed, being half lidded as they landed on my lips.

I didn't have time to react. Well, that's not entirely true. He came in slowly, as if to make sure I wanted the same. But I was frozen in place, unable to react at all, and before I knew it his lips were on mine. That's the moment my brain connected to my muscles and I pushed him off.
"E-Eijirou, I'm flattered b-but..."
"Oh God I'm so sorry! Y-you have a boyfriend a-and here I am t-taking advantage of you in m-my fragile state..." he cried, covering his face in shame.

"It's... It's okay" I breathed, pulling him back on my chest.
"Just don't do it again"
"I-I'm so sorry..." he cried.
"I've been crushing on you ever since the start of the year... B-but I stayed quiet... A-and now you're with M-Midoriya... I'm too late and I'm sorry!"

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm during his emotional love confession. My best friend has been in love with me since the beginning of the year... Fuck. I've been a total ass to him and everyone else and he still fell for me! How?! Do I need to tell Izuku about this..? No, he has enough on his plate as it is... He's still recovering from all this too.

Meanwhile shitty hair kept apologizing and sobbing into my chest, ruining my shirt. After he stopped crying we basically ate the whole cookie jar in dead silence. It was awkward for some time, until he spoke up again like nothing happened.
"You know what? I think I'm going to dye my hair black again"
I gave him a surprised look. He couldn't be the Red Riot if his hair was black you know.
"Maybe I'll get a haircut too? It's a little too long, don't you think?"

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