Miraculous XII: New threat!

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"No,No...Adrien cannot hate me." Ladybug of Darkness suddenly has one eye blue and the other black. A dwell between good and evil inside her like a typhoon.

'This is my moment!' Sher thought, throwing an arrow at Ladybug's heart, soon her Akumatized transformation vanishes and Marinette falls on the ceiling's ground unconscious.

Chat,Alya and Nino clapped their hands with the crowd but due to the distance neither could see Ladybug's real identity, which is positive for our heroes and her.

"How is she?" Sher rushes to her side and crouches down.

"Exhausted from all those intense emotions." The snake boy approach and picks up Marinette in his arms. "Don't worry, I will take her home."

"You know the address?" Sher asks.

" Every hero knows their people." He chuckled.

" Or you can ask for directions right?" Sher smirks.

" That is an option too." He smiles and disappears with Marinette.

"I am exhausted." Sher sighed and came down from the ceiling, as she did she watched Alya and Nino escorting people out of the market.

Bee Queen had arrived too late and saw the entire scene unfold but she decides to return to Hawk Moth to update on the details. Unfortunately she didn't see Ladybug's real identity either.

[3 days later]

"How is your arm?" You sit next to Adrien on your bed.

"Is fine but lying to everyone about me being sick to cover up this wound is frustrating." Adrien sighed.

"Especially because Nino is your best friend." You grabbed his hand. "But bare in mind we must keep our identity hidden for their own safety."

"True." Adrien glances your way holding your hand in his " Have you spoken to Marinette?"

" Yes, fortunately she does not remember anything from when she was akumatized." You smile " We also managed to make Alya believe our lie and write that story on her blog."

"Oh, yeah. We told her that the girl behind that mask is in fact a very obsessed fan of Ladybug. Which is the main reason her akumatized version looked like Ladybug." Adrien said.

" It also helped with Marinette not suspecting a thing. She really believes it was someone else behind." You grin confidently.

[Meanwhile at Marinette's bedroom]

"Tikki, I am so so so sorry about all I did to you while I was akumatized!" Marinette cries.

" I am not angry, Marinette. We've talked about this. I really care for you and I know that the girl from that day wasn't you." Tikki flies close to her face and wipes the tears with her paws. "Smile,please"

"Not easy, because I hurt many people, especially Adrien. He might hate me for trying to hurt (Name)." Marinette sobbed, while laying on the bed, knees up to her chin and arms wrapped around them.

"Marinette, have they rejected you? Did (Name) act cold towards you? No. She is still your friend because she loves you as everyone does. They don't know you are Ladybug yet, so why worry?" Tikki sighs.

"What if they did?" Marinette glances at Tikki. "What if they do know and pretend they just don't?"

"Unfortunately, I was still unconscious and only woke up when that boy brought you home. But, the days at school, I have observed them, and they don't have hatred in their eyes." Tikki hugs her cheek. 

"I suppose this is the time to move on and forget Adrien. If I truly love him, I must let him go." Marinette felt these words swallow down her throat to her stomach, but in her heart she knew it was the right decision to make.

After a few days, Marinette started to hang out with you and the rest of the group, things began to normalize, except that Adrien found it hard to interact with her, now knowing her feelings for him and the fact she got akumatized because of him. Not to mention, she is Ladybug, the girl he loved for quite a while.

"Luka invited us to his concert, I am excited to hear his song." You smiled as all of you walked on the sidewalk.

"That guy has talent g." Alya grins.

"Luka is an amazing musician, he has skills indeed." Marinette adds.

"How about after the concert, we take Luka out for dinner?" You put your arm around Alya and Marinette.

"That sounds great." Adrien chuckles. "You agree?" He glances at Marinette then Alya with a sincere smile.

"Yeah!" Marinette smiles in relief, Adrien does not hate her. He is the same boy she fell for. "How about at my place? I can ask dad to bake a cake especially for Luka."

"Your dad's desserts are THE best, I am in." You squealed.

"We'll all get fat then." Nino laughs.

"Hahahahahaha!" All of you join in laughter.

And so, the concert time has arrived, and everyone, including you are seating on the front row, waiting for Luka's turn to sing. After a few little bands playing all kinds of styles, Luka takes a step on stage and grabs the microphone.

"This song 's lyrics came from my heart, and I hope you all enjoy it." Luka began to play the guitar and sing along the rhythm. 

Marinette suddenly has a flashback of when she woke up after being released from the Akuma.

"Who are you?" She sits on the bed.

"You can call me...Viperion" He grins.

The flashback soon ends and this causes her to freak out, why did she remember him now of all times? And at the same time, you were recalling Viperion's help that day to rescue Marinette, but the mystery behind his name and identity was eating you on the inside.

'Sher, are you listening to my song? Can you feel it?' Luka thought to himself as he kept singing. 'I have become a miraculous too, and this gives me strenght to fight by your side, and love you without fear. I am strong, and will prove my valor to you, and hopefully you will also fall for me.'

"Beautiful lyrics." Marinette sniffs.

"This bro really knows how to touch people's feelings." Nino starts to clap.

"A great singer indeed." Adrien joins the clapping.

"Go Luka!" You shout with enthusiasm. 

"Rock this stage!" Alya joins your fangirling.

When Luka finished singing, he smiled at the crowd and made a bow, "Thank you all!", then he got off stage but as soon as he did, the ground began to shake.

"What is going on?!" Alya looks around.

"Impressive performance." Bee Queen suddenly lands in the middle of the stage. "I must congratulate you, boy."

"..." Luka frowns. "Who are you?"

"My name is Dark Bee, and guess what? I have come to take you with me!" She  takes out a small bee shape gun and throws a dart at Luka, which causes him to fall asleep on the floor. 

Adrien and you exchange glances and nod at the same time, rushing to hide and transform. As for Marinette, she is scared to become Ladybug of Darkness again, yet Tikki pats her hand gently from her purse and this causes her to run in a different direction to change. The crowd of the concert scream and run away in fear.

"You are mine." Dark Bee crouches to where Luka is and whispers in his ear even if he can't hear her. "Viperion."

How does she know Luka's secret? And why has he become the target now?!

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