Miraculous II: Chat Noir?

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Marinette, takes Adrien's hand, and he pulls her up, allowing her to stand on her own two feet. You, with Alya and Nino, just giggle, in secret, because all of you ship them together. That night ended, with laughter and a good time among friends. After 9:00 p.m, everybody went home, including you. At home (Choose any type of home you live in), you went straight to your bedroom, after kissing your dad goodnight, and lay on the bed, with both arms spread.

"I love my new friends, they are the coolest." You smile,now
hugging your pillow, and falling into deep slumber, forgetting changing into your pajamas. By the next morning, you wake up, shower, change into new clothe, comb your hair, then make it a high ponytail style, and add some make up on your face, but slightly. Just before you head straight out, your dad interrupts you, walking up from behind.

"(Name). Before, you leave, I want to give you an item. A good friend I made here in France, who is an old chinese man, gave it to me. At first, I was going to reject it, for it seems more suitable for a woman to wear, but luckily I remembered you were coming over to France.

Therefore, I accepted his gesture." Your father gave you the beautiful necklace, with a lion head hanging from it.

You took it, thanked him and send your regards to his friend, as you left your (Home), and went straight to school. But, during the journey, you feel the earth trembling, when soon enough, people begin to scream from afar. 'What is going on?!' You panicked.

Abruptly, your lion necklace began to glow, and once the glow was gone, a small lion appeared before you. "Hello!"

"Wah!!" You fell on your butt on the sidewalk. "Who..Who are you?!"

"Hi. I am your kwami, my name is Leo. I love to eat ribs and we have to save Paris along Ladybug and Chat Noir." Leo said as he folds his arms and says "You have chosen to be a hero, and to do so just shout out "Leo! Fangs out!!" and you will be transformed".

"Eh?! Like in Sailor Moon or CardCaptor Sakura?!" You mention two Anime with girls transforming into heroes.

"Hah?" Leo is confused at your sudden remark.

"Nevermind. Alright, Leo? Fangs out!!" You shout out, and soon he disappears inside the necklace's lion head. After, a lion tail appears wrapped around your waist like a belt, and your ears become like the animal itself, including your teeth, having small fangs.

Your hero's custome consist of a beautiful kimono ,but only the upper part of your body has
it. As for the waist to your feet you are wearing a black leather jeans. 

Your weapon, is a beautiful golden bow, with a lion's face showing its mouth open, the teeth are made of ruby. A set of arrows, inside its holder appears behind your back.

Your eyes are now yellow, a beautiful wild color. Your eyes becomes covered by a brown mask that suits well with your yellow eyes.

"Whoah! This is me? " You gasp but snap out of it "I can admire it later!" Words said, you run through the streets at high speed where the screams are coming from.

When you reach, the Eiffel Tower, the first thing your eyes scan are two figures: A female in a red with black dots suit,and a male, wearing a type of feline suit. "Those must be Ladybug and Chat Noir, the heroes my father spoke about." You thought outloud.

"Chat Noir! Watch out!!" Ladybug shouts out, even as the akumatized person, a young boy, throws from his hand black ink, at Chat Noir. Once, Chat falls onto the sidewalk, the ink that is just liquid on his suit, expands up until his neck, and becomes a box, with a solid state.

"Damn.Talk about keeping the cat inside the box." Chat Noir struggles to break the black box he is trapped in.

"I am Inkaman! And all people who reject my work, because I don't like working with colors, shall pay!!" Inkaman laughs, even as he stands on a pole, showing his akumatized form.

His eyes are normal, brownish, while his legs are made of ink, and his hands hold two huge inking pens, as if they were swords. His hair is made of black and white ink. "Ladybug, you won't stop my plans!"

"We'll see about that!" Ladybug rushes to Chat Noir, but Inkaman throws from his pen's nibs, three small creatures in form of wolves. "Aren't they beautiful and dark?" Inkaman laughs and the wolves attack at his command, Ladybug.

Of course, this chase does not last long enough, because you appear, throwing with your bow, arrows at the wolves, destroying them.

"Hold it right there, pal. Let me inform you, that these two are no longer alone." You stand next to Chat Noir's figure, and wink at him, of course this kind of startles him. Isn't he the flirtatious one? Nevermind that, though. "Stay still kitty. The leader of the pride is here."

You giggle, grab an arrow, and use your bow, to throw it straight at the black box, which burst into millions of pieces, by the impact.

"Hey, thanks umm..." Chat Noir raises an eyebrow at you. Because, he has no clue how to call you. "What is your name?" He manages to ask, before pushing you out of Inkaman's next attack, using his ink. "Mine is Chat Noir, my lady, and may I say your eyes are beautiful."

"Chat! This is no time to fool around, we have a bigger of a crisis here?!" Ladybug scolds, while dodging Inkaman's bullets of ink, that are thrown from his ink nibs, as if they were guns.

"True! Sorry my lady." Chat Noir chuckles embarrassed, and goes to help Ladybug along with you. After battling Inkaman, the three of you managed to defeat him. Ladybug uses her yo-yo to trap the akuma,purify it, and soon releasing a white butterfly, afterwards.

"Finally, is over." Ladybug sighs, relieved. "Who are you?"

"Yeah, because of inkie freak, we couldn't talk. My name is Sher." You smile.

"Ladybug." Ladybug smiles back.

"And I am Chat Noir, at your service my lady." Chat kisses your hand.

Ladybug, suddenly realizes her transformation will soon end, because she used her super-powers 'Lucky charm' before, because Inkaman, was a hard villain to defeat before using that technique.

"Gotta go!" She throws her yo-yo and once is wrapped around a building's pole, she begins to swing away, like Spider-Man.

"Is a good thing, I did not use my powers." Chat Noir smirks, and approach you, standing face to-face.

"Why's that?" You giggle, finding him so cute.

"Because, I can do this." Chat Noir kisses your cheek, and chuckles. "See you next time Sher" He runs and disappears from your sight. But he did left you shocked, and blushing madly.

"Naughty cat!" You growl, holding your cheeks with both hands. Thinking of Sailor Moon, you remember that the same way Usagi cannot be found out, you should also remain your identity a secret, thus you hide in an alley, and go back to normal. "That was amazing, Leon!"

"Yeah, sorry about not explaining things out. We kinda of didn't have time to do so." Leon feels embarrassed. "But, what does it feel to be a hero?"

"Amazing! I never dreamed this could happen to me, but you know? I like also my comrads in this war between good and evil. Especially, that kitty." You giggle and think. 'Chat Noir.' Leon, notice something you don't, you just got a crush on Chat Noir, like literally. Why? Your sparkling eyes, say it all.

Author's Notes:

1."Sher" in Hindi means Lion n_n

2. Thank you for reading my story!

3. I still have trouble explaining things when I write. For example: The custome. Is hard to write down what I visualize in my mind, especially clothe.

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