Miraculous VI: Adrien Agreste is...

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"She is your fiance?!" Marinette asks, with her eyes wide open, pursing her lips; hurt inside.

"..." Luka doesn't comment.

"...." Adrien is now pale,he let his emotions get control over him. 'Oh, no. I said it. (Name) will hate me now for this.'

"Whoah whoah back up. You are saying (Name) will marry you in a future?" Alya asks, but gives a glance at Marinette who is upset.

"Our parents decided. "You answer.

"But hey this is temporarily. Because, once they turn 18--" Nino gets cuts off when Marinette....Begins to cry.

Adrien gasp, "Marinette what's wrong?!", he approaches her figure yet she just runs out of the cafe and doesn't look back.

Adrien has figured out her feelings now but still what is the point of worrying over such details? (Name) will marry him.

'I hate her!' Marinette thinks with a pained expression.

"Despair, sadness, treason. The girl you opened your heart to has stolen the love of your life. " Hawk Moth said in his hideout even as a butterfly becomes black and flies away to find Marinette.

"Marinette, you have to control your emotions!" Tikki comes out to face her as she keeps running home.

"Leave me alone!" Marinette shouts furious.

"If you keep this up you'll be akumatized! You are ladybug, the hero of Paris." Tikki warns. "Listen to me Marinette."

"..." Marinette stops running and hides her hurt expression from Tikki. "She lied about helping me..."

"Marinette, maybe Adrien said she is his fiance but did (Name) seem happy about it?" Tikki questions.

"Uh.." Marinette snaps out of it. The akuma ,without her noticing, flies away. "You...Are right." She sighed, "I am scared of losing Adrien."

Tikki hugs her cheek and with her little hands wipes away Marinette's tears. "You are strong and Adrien will value the amazing girl he has before him."

"Oh,Tikki!" Marinette with Tikki between her hands presses her kwami against her own cheek simulating a hug. Abruptly,  both listen to a familiar voice, causing Tikki to hide in her purse instantly.

"Marinette! Thank goodness." You pant heavily,stopping on your tracks.

(Name)." Marinette looks at her with a hurtful expression. She feels bad for causing a scene but also hurt because of Adrien being engaged now.

"Listen, Marinette. Is true that we are engaged, but is not something I want ok? I like someone else." You tried to convince her.

"...But Adrien seems to have feelings for you. He warned Luka, and that is enough proof for me." Marinette sniffs, and begins to sob again, yet you pull her into a tight embrace. "?!"

"I believe you should confess your feelings to him." You state.

"But, he doesn't like me, (Name). I will definitely get rejected!" Marinette sighed.

"I believe Adrien doesn't like me as you think, it must be a crush. But with you? Is different. I am positive!" You cheered for her.

"..." Marinette has doubts about this, yet  she decides to trust (Name). "Alright. I will tell him tomorrow, about my feelings."


"Hey, Leo. Love is really a delicate matter, right?" You said, while drawing Chat Noir, on a paper from your sketchbook. "Adrien likes me, Marinette likes Adrien, and I like..Chat Noir. The hero of Paris, who is obviously in love with Ladybug."

"Zzzzz..." Leo fell asleep on your bed, he is exhausted from today's battle. You glance his way and giggle, finding him so cute. Out of the blue, Chat Noir appears knocking on your window, gently. 

"Chat Noir?!" You whisper almost yell, and open the window, for him to enter your room. "What are you doing here? This is no hour to visit a lady." 

"I had to see you." Chat Noir, explains even as he goes inside your bedroom. "Is an urgent matter." 

"What is so urgent?" You look at Chat Noir, who approach your figure, and grabs your shoulders. "Chat? What are you--?!" His lips are now pressed against yours.

'Adrien Agreste would never be able to do this, but Chat Noir can.' Chat Noir thought to himself as he kissed you. 'Although, Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. Ironic, isn't it?'

You kissed him back, hugging his body, even as he pressed you against his own. The kiss became deeper, and gentle. Just like you imagined your first kiss to be, passionate but romantic at the same time. 'Am I dreaming? Or has my love become true?' You thought.

Leo spied on both of you, with just one eye open, but for a brief moment. He decided to fall asleep for real now, after seeing you happy with Chat Noir. Both you and Chat Noir, stopped kissing, but kept staring into each other's eyes, cherishing this love and precious moment. (No matter how cheesy it may sound U.U).

"Chat. This means you feel the same about me?" You smile, almost crying of happiness.

"I do." Chat Noir responds, with a warm smile at you. "Will you give me the honor of dating you? (Name)." He hugs you tightly.

"Yes!" You burst out laughing in joy, while hugging him back tightly as well. "I want to be your girlfriend Chat Noir." 

"I'll come see you, every night, if I can." Chat Noir smiled, still holding you between his arms. "Although, you must be patient with me, my time can be consumed, for the fact I am the hero of Paris. There will be times, I may warn you, that I might not come see you." He sighed, disappointed at that final fact.

"Actually, we will always see each other." You giggle.

"What do you mean?" Chat Noir stops hugging you and looks into your eyes, but can't decipher what you just meant by those words, thus you decide to show him. 

"Leo." You call out, and soon Chat Noir sees Leo on your bed. "Leo, please wake up."

"I didn't notice him before, but wait...You have a kwami! Then that means..." Chat Noir is cut off by you.

"Exactly." You nod.

"What's wrong?" Leo opens his eyes slowly at first, until he is fully awake.

"Can I show Chat Noir, my hero form?" You giggle.

"Oh. I believe is better if he hadn't know your real identity, but I guess is too late for that warning. Alright, just say the words." Leo smiles and you command "Leo! Fangs out!!"

Once you transform into your hero mode, Chat Noir, gets shocked "No way... You are Sher?!" His jaw drops literally, because he never expected you to be his partner against crime, alongside Ladybug. 

"Yes. Exactly as you see, I am Sher, naughty kitty. " You laugh.

"Are you sure is alright for me to know your identity?" Chat Noir asks.

"Yes. Why not? I trust you Chat." You smile.

"Then...I will show you who I am in return." Chat Noir says serious, even as he stares into her eyes. "Promise you won't change your feelings after you see it?"

"Huh? Why would I? Chat and the person you'll reveal are the same to me, so my feelings won't change." You smile, assuring him.

"Alright." Chat Noir closes his eyes, and soon enough his transformation vanishes, revealing Adrien to (Name). "Hi, (Name)."

"!!" Your eyes go wide open as a window, and at the same time, fall on your butt on the floor, even as you stare at Adrien both impressed and in total shock.

'Chat Noir...Is Adrien Agreste?!'

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