Miraculous IV: The Unexpected

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"You're asking (Name) out? Adrien." Luka, looks at Adrien, smiling even as you hide your face with both hands, feeling your cheeks heat up, but you don't notice Marinette, who is very upset about the turn of events. Alya, tries to comfort her, yet Marinette, still feels hurt. Adrien, clears his throat, and asks again, while rubbing the back of his head. "So..Will you be my date?"

'What do I do? If I say no, it would be rude to Adrien, but if I say yes, then Marinette will get hurt. Ugh! Why me of all people?' You dwell inside your mind, even as Luka observe you, then Marinette, causing him to understand the situation you both are in, thus he decides to interfere. 

"Adrien, I'm sorry, man. But, I asked her out, already." Luka winks at you, and you say, "Yeah. I was shocked because of your sudden question, Adrien, but didn't give me time to tell you about Luka asking me first." Inside, you felt horrible for lying, although is for a good cause. Marinette.

"Oh. I see, well, there is no problem with that." Adrien smiles, and sighs. "I can't ask Chloe, there is no way I would." Alya, grabs Marinette's shoulders, and smirks as she leans close, head-to-head, aside. "Why don't you ask Marinette?"

"Eh?!" Marinette, looks back and forth, to Alya and Adrien, feeling her cheeks warm up. Adrien, with his sweet smile nods, and asks "Marinette, would you be my date?"

"Ye..yeah!" Marinette stutters, but then manages to say, "I'd love to, Adrien." Her cute smile, warms everyone up. You, feel happy for Marinette, because she and Adrien are perfect for each other. After, a while, everyone leaves to their home, except you and Luka. 

"Thanks, Luka. You saved my butt, there." You sighed, feeling the tension leave your body. Relaxing. Luka, just nods and smiles slightly "Anything for a friend."

"We just met and you already do this much for me? I must be blessed with one heck of a friend." You chuckle, and Luka laughs slightly back. But, what you didn't know, was Adrien inside his limousine, feeling sad, because you are not his date. 

"Adrien. What's wrong?" Plagg asks, popping his head from Adrien's backpack.

"I wanted (Name) to be with me at the party." Adrien sighed sadly.

"You like (Name)? Weren't you interested in Ladybug?" Plagg questions, raising an eyebrow in doubt. Adrien shrugs his shoulders "Of course I do, but..Is hard to explain. Whenever I am at school, can't help stare at (Name), and wonder things about her. But, I do not have the courage, like Chat Noir to--Wait a second! That's it!!" Adrien becomes all fired up, and smiles from cheek to cheek.

"Oh, no..." Plagg has a sweatdrop. He has a bad feeling about Adrien's sudden crazy idea. "Hope you don't mess up badly." Is the last thing Plagg said before they arrived to the Agreste mansion, already the sky dark. Once, Adrien found himself alone, he shouts out "Plagg..Claws out!" Soon, he transforms into the hero of Paris, Chat Noir. "Time for some action! The cat is out of the box, and without fear." Just, as he jumps away from the window of his bedroom, and jumps across the rooftops, to search for your home, duty calls. Screams,of people, begin to be loud and clear. "Great." He complains, but rushes to help Ladybug, whom he encounters shortly.

"My lady! You look specially radiant tonight!" Chat Noir smirks.

"Thanks, but not the time for flattery,kitty!" Ladybug answers and soon her eyes find the akumatized person, a woman, around her early 20s. 

"Hello, guys. Sorry for being late!" Sher, appears ready with her bow. "What do we have tonight?"

"I shall never forgive that woman, for stealing my show! My name is Tragedia, and only I can be the leading actress of the next Broadway Play!"  Tragedia, shouts, even as she transforms into a magician. She moves her wand, and causes the earth to grumble, even as she creates out of magic, 50 bunnies with wolf teeth. 

"Talk about magic tricks." Chat Noir is impressed. "This woman would be awesome in America's Got Talent." Ladybug rolls her eyes and scolds him "Chat! Stop admiring her! We need to defeat her or people might get hurt by her magic tricks."

"Bossing the cat around my lady?" Chat Noir smirks, and Ladybug only shakes her head in annoyance.

After a long battle, you defeat Tragica and go separate ways, before your transformation ends. You have reached your home, just in time when you returned to your nomal self.

Is been half an hour since the  battle and after taking a small nap Leo appears in front of your face floating and smiles: "You did great today! I know is getting tough. But anyway  umm..The thing is I want some ribs." 

"Be right back, Leo. I have to cook them." You smile at Leo, and go downstairs, only to find Adrien at your living room, speaking with your dad. "A..Adrien?!"

"Just in time, (Name). Meet my partner, Gabriel Agreste and his son Adrien." Your father introduces Adrien and the man. You approach them, and shake hands with Mr.Agreste. 

"So, Adrien tells me you both know each other." Mr.Agreste began as he stood firmly, causing intimidation. "May I ask...What kind of relationship you both have?"

"We are friends, dad." Adrien says, feeling a bit scared to talk. Apparently, his father causes Adrien to feel uncomfortable. You nod and smile "Yes. We are friends."

"Not anymore." Mr.Agreste says.

"Indeed." Your father agreeds.

"Huh? But why?!" You counter, looking side to side, from your father (on the right) to Mr.Agreste (on the left side). "Why can't we be friends?"

"Because, you two are engaged as now." Mr Agreste finished and your father said "Adrien and you shall marry when you reach adulthood."

"Eh?!/Huh?!" Both you and Adrien dropped your jaws open, this turn of events blew your mind out. You are engaged to Adrien now! Oh, no.What will Marinette think when she finds out?!

Author's Note: I know this chapter was kind of short, but the next one will be longer! Thank you for reading and following this story!! Hope you continue to enjoy it n_n

Chat Noir x Reader x LukaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang