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"Good afternoon!" Marinette waves at (Name). "Am I on time?"

"Yeah, Luka is setting up the room with Ayla's help" (Name) takes from Marinette's hands a box of sweets. "Adrien is going to love his surprise, glad Mr. Agreste agreed to use this basement room for it. Marinette I need your help to place all the food that will be served to the guest."

"Sure no problem and by the way Luka said he will play with his band. Cool huh?." Marinette squeals and follows (Name) to the basement.

"With his voice and talent for music? Everyone will have a good time."(Name) put the box of sweets at the kitchen's bar table.

"Girls the room is taking life already

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"Girls the room is taking life already. Imagine Adrien's face when he sees this." Alya winks at you and Marinette and then takes a picture of the place with her phone.

"Hello Marinette." Luka smiles.

"Hey." Marinette blushes and waves, gaining the attention of Alya and (Name).

"What was that?" Ayla whispers to her.

"You into Luka?" (Name) makes a smug face.

"Well.... These past few weeks we have become closer." Marinette clears her throat and rushes to where the food is. "Anyway! Let's get this food out of the kitchen and into the--" looks at (Name) and Alya.

" There" (Name) motions the chimney table construction in the middle of the room.

"Err, R-Right!" she gets nervous.

"Some things will never change. I am going to call Nino and tell him he can stop distracting Adrien and to bring him home." Alya dials his number.

"I already informed our classmates so everyone should be here soon but just in case add 10 minutes of delay for Adrien" (Name) texts the group chat she created for Adrien's party

"On it!" Alya gives a thumbs up but her attention is drawn to Nino when he answers "Hey there, you can bring the sparrow to the nest in 10 minutes."

" Okay okay but this favor has a cost Alya. A dance and a date next Friday" Nino chuckles.

"Deal". Alya giggles and hangs up. "All set girl"

"Are you sure you want me to sing?" Luka approach (Name).

"Yeah, besides it will help promote your talent." She grins.

"Thank you, (Name)."Luka grabs her hand and after a moment of thought sighs and says" Adrien is lucky to have you"

"Luka..." (Name) rest her hand on chis cheek.  "I am sorry that I never gave you a proper reply."

"I got it the day I confessed, you can't make someone love you. So don't worry about me." Luka ruffles (Name) 's hair.

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