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My breath was shaky, but not as bad as my body was. The fire burning in front of me wasn't helping to dry my tears at all. All it did was add on to the ash and burns already covering my flesh.

"Albert!" I turned my head and looked up at the cop, who seemed go be yelling at me for quite some time, but my thoughts were blocking his rough voice.

"Are you sure he didn't escape?" The police officer asked. I simply nodded, an emotionless look on my face.

"He never left..." I quietly replied. The officer sighed and simply nodded,  placing a hand on my back and leading me to the ambulance. I was clenching the fuzzy blanket I had across my shoulders and my face was bright red~ both from the burning flames and the never-ending tears.

I gave him a quick 'thank you' and climbed into the ambulance. I sat as they checked and examined me, though it was impossible to focus on them while I was staring at the burning flames of our used-to-be house. Surely something happened to him. He was talking shit earlier... and I highly doubt it was all a suicide plan.

...4 hours earlier...

"I know you're upset but I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong!" I pleaded as Jake wiped the tears off his cheeks and continued to stomp to his room.

"And I can't tell you what's wrong because then you're gonna get hurt, too!" He yelled before slamming his door shut and locking it. I sighed loudly, backing up so my back was against the wall before I slid down the rough surface to the ground.

I quickly covered my face in my arms and began go quietly debate with myself. Why was Jake acting like this...?


I was violently yanked out of my back-flash when the radio on the ambulance's control panel began to talk.

"There was a crash on Nobles Road at 14:18 PM with three hurt. We need backup." The radio said in a staticky manner. The two people examining me mumbled a quick few things before looking down at me.

"You have very minor burns and we don't see anything wrong with you. We're going to keep you with us until we get those people checked out and then we'll get you an Uber to a hotel." One of them told me. I simply nodded and pushed the blanket off of my shoulders, standing up and stretching my hands over my head. I sniffled and wiped my cheeks, glancing over to the back window.

"Do you guys have any intake on what could have happened?" I hesitantly asked.

"From what they have found, the officers believe it all started from a lighter and tissue paper." He told. I gave a confused look, shoving my hands into 'my' jacket pockets. Well, more-so Jake's jacket that I stole a few nights ago.

I knew for a fact we didn't have any tissue paper in our house and I highly doubt there was any lighters~ and even if there was, how did it get lighten?

I sighed and simply nodded, being pushed back a slight bit when the ambulance came to a stop. As the workers opened the door, I discovered it had began to poor down rain. There was red and blue lights bouncing off the inky darkness as the sound of sirens and pounding water against the metal roofs of the vehicles echoed off the trees surrounding us.

I stepped out of the ambulance and looked up at the sky. So many problems and so many places, yet so little help?

The sky was a simple, overwhelming black. Not a star in eyes-view and, what was supposed to be a full moon, was blocked by the depressing clouds. Rain abused my face as I closed my dull eyes. My lips were shut in a line and my normally blushing cheeks were pale and bruised.

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