Romeo and Juliet

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I huffed as I fixed my flowing white dress so that it was draped in front of me. I looked up at the stage and began to walk out onto the platform, my cheeks and nose burning with heat as I blushed madly. This play was going to be a train wreck! I didn't want to be Juliet- I was going for the line of Romeo! But leave it to Albert Aretz to get the completely opposite role then the one he wanted! And then the guy that beat me for the role of Romeo never even showed up for one single practice! I sighed, taking in a deep breath as I gripped onto the side of the railing.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet. 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot nor arm nor face nor any other part belonging to a man. O be some other name. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Romeo, doff that name, and for that name, which is no part of thee, take all myself."

I spoke, extremely accomplished I didn't stutter! Now, as you may have thought of, you're probably wondering why they didn't just get a girl to play Juliet? Well, recently, in around the past month or so, I have exchanged from a normal, public, school to a high tech, private, guys only school. Why they would do a play that they know involved both guy and girl characters, I have no idea...

I was looking out over the balcony and waiting to see the guy that had gotten the roll of Romeo. I was already aware that the guys name was Jack or Jake or something? But that was basically the end of my knowledge of him.

I looked up when I heard the cue of the directors voice. As I did, I tilted my head to the side. A boy with coal black hair and chocolate brown eyes walked onto the stage, dressed in black, violet, and silver old-timey looking outfit. He said his lines as I watched him climb up one of the props and to my side on the banister of our home-aid 'castle'.

I sucked in a deep breath when I felt him wrap an arm around my waist and move our faces closer together. There was a short paused before he continued his speech and then pushed our lips together. I felt my eyes widen when he did so. This wasn't in the script?!

And it wasn't just a quick peck on the lips. He kept our lips connected before I felt his mouth open a slight bit and his tongue gently run across my bottom lip. I kept my mouth squeezed shut before hearing him give a slight growl and split our lips. He let my waist go, flipping towards the crowed and finishing the play as if nothing had happened?!


It's been about a week since the play happened. I have to admit that I've been getting a lot of 'publicity' since it's been over...

Random guys I've never even talked to before will come and try to flirt with me, teachers that I don't even know will tell me how good of a job I did, and then there was, who I had confirmed was named, Jacob- aka, Jake. He's been acting kinda, how do I say... weird. He keeps offering to hang out and keeps offering to buy me things? I don't understand it?

"Hey, Al...?" I looked up when I heard him mumble my name.

"Yeah, Jakey?" I questioned, taking one of my earphones out. We were both sitting in his truck- him driving and me blasting music as I stared out the window at the passing lights and scenery.

"You know this is a date, right?" He said quietly, parking the car at one of the parking spots. I blushed and looked up at the large movie theater, letting off a sigh.

"I know..." I replied, unbuckling my seat belt. I opened my door, jumping to my feet and shoving my phone and headset into my pockets, walking to Jake's side. "But if nobody from our school finds out then I guess it's alright." I informed, pushing one of my hands into his hoodie pocket with a bright smile, leaving him confused as I dragged him to the doors of the movie theatre. He did have to buy my ticket after all!

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