New Years

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I whimpered quietly as I looked around at all of the people walking by. Why would Jake bring me here, to a huge party with all of his friends, and then just leave me, knowing how shy and anxious I get?! Ugh! I watched as a girl in a tight, wine red dressed walked past me. 'What a slut...' I thought, keeping my nose and below hidden in the fluffy blanket Jake gave me earlier.

I quickly looked up and around me. Where was he? He's been gone for a while now... I sighed and looked down at my phone. 11:48. If he doesn't hurry we're gonna miss the New Year's kiss! In all honesty that's the only reason I came to this stupid party! I wanted to just stay home and play Roblox, but no! He had to drag me out of my comfortable bed and force me to sit around a bunch of people while he was off somewhere probably getting drunk or something. I sighed and stood up, looking around the rather large space. The house was a mansion; it wad huge! I smiled softly when my eyes landed on him in the kitchen, talking to the same girl that was in the wine-red dress.

I blushed faintly and bit down on my lip as I began to walk over to him. He looked so cute! He had on a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey, long sleeved shirt with his hair slicked back. My eyes light up as I heard the chiming of the bell, signifying it was midnight! I anxiously walked over to Jake, almost being to him when I jerked, planting my feet into the ground and stopping in my tracks as the girl grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down, her pecking him on the lips.

"W-What the fuck!" I yelled, running over and grabbing her shoulder. He threw her away from Jake and glared at her with a deep growl. "Don't you dare fucking touch him!" I yelled, not noticing the tears threatening my eyes.

"Oh, you're the guy Jake's been telling me about..." She paused and smirked, walking closer to Jake. "I really don't know what you were going on and on about; there really isn't a lot there for you to be so interested in." She said, looking up into his eyes.

"S-Shut up!" I yelled, grabbing Jake's arm. I've never been good with words. It's more of a curse than anything; especially at times like this. I hesitated before I let Jake's arm go, noticing he wasn't arguing with her, which also meant he wasn't protecting me.

I turned and glared at him before pushing him out of the way and practically running out to my car. The tears in my eyes were gone as I stomped to the vehicle, being overwhelmed with anger rather then sadness. I planned on this being our first kiss! It was going to be pefect! Until she had to ruin it!

I groaned as I opened the door to the car and jumped into the drives seat. Right before I slammed it shut I felt a tight hand grab my arm. I quickly looked up, bitting down on my lip when my eyes met Jake's. "What do you want...?" I asked in a quiet tone, yanking my arm away from him.

"Al, I can explain! I didn't want to kiss her; she kissed me! I swear, it is me and you to the end, and I knew you had planned on this being our first kiss, but..." He stopped himself and groaned loudly. I slowly stood up beside him. "Can we just... walk and talk?" He asked in a soft tone. I hesitated before slowly nodding. I watched as he slipped off his grey over shirt and tossed it into the back seat of the car, him now being in a light blue polo. Man, he must be really nervous...

He shoved his hands into his pockets as we began to walk towards what looked to be a play set. There was a full moon out, and it was high in the sky. It's pretty weird to have a full moon on a Wednesday night, but what are you gonna do about it? Even though it was the very beginning of January, it felt like it was the middle of fall as a cool wind blew across our warm faces, rustling the leaves in the trees, which were still red and gold from the earlier season, but it was never cold enough for them to fall to the cold winter ground.

"So, uh... I, uh... I'm s-so sorry, Albert. She fucked up our whole night." I heard Jake mumble. I stayed silent as I stared at the concrete under out feet, a slow and steady rhythm of our shoes tapping the pavement as we walked. I sighed and looked up slowly, the wind blowing my messy hair out of my face.

"It's fine, Jake..." I said after a pause in the conversation. I stopped, turning to face him. I stared into his glistening eyes for a moment before I put my arms around his chest and hugged him. I smiled as he hugged me back, me slowly looking up at him. I saw he was about to say something, but before he could I stood up on my tippy toes and pecked him on the lips.

Even if it was for just a second it felt like a few minutes of nothing but me and him, nothing else in the world. I felt my heart begin to beat in my chest and my heart begin to flutter. I took in a soft breath when I pulled away, quickly opening my eyes as I looked down at the ground. I heard him smirk softly before laying his chin on my head.

I looked up at him, only the outline of his body being visible in the inky darkness, the shining moonlight giving off his frame. "Guess you got that kiss you were hoping for anyways..." He said, it being obvious he was smiling by the happiness in his voice.

"Yeah... guess I did..."

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