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I looked out of the open window, the cool wind blowing against my bare chest and the smell of cold water and freshly cut grass filling my room. I sighed and lied my head down on the window seal, my arms in my lap. I was listening to a few birds chirping in the back ground of all the people laughing and having a good time. "How's it going...?" I heard a deeply familiar voice ask as the sound of my bedroom door shut behind him. I stabled my feet on the ground and twisted my office chair to face Jake.

"Good enough. And you?" I asked, placing my elbow on the desk I was by as I used my hand to prop up my head.

"Well, yeah, but I'm not the one who can't control myself." He said, cocking an eyebrow at me as he handed me a popsicle. I sighed, obviously in heat. My face was a light red and I was burning up; hints to why I was shirtless.

"I know. How's the pool party?" I asked as I opened the package and instantly began to eat the popsicle.

"I mean, it's fine. There's no other omegas around here, though, so be careful. I wouldn't leave the room, if I were you." He warned, sitting down on the bed beside me. He gave a look, bitting his lip as he nuzzled closer to me. "Can you please just let me mark you already?" He almost begged as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I bit my lip, quickly shaking my head no. The though of breeding has always horrified me! Not only did it sound painful, but there was also the chance I could get pregnant, which I would preferably love to avoid.

"No, Jake!" I said, giving a kinda nervous whimper when he pulled me out of the office chair by my waist, forcing me to stand to my feet.

"But, AlBear... if I don't then somebody else might." He said, though my answer now and forever will be no!

"Jake, please just leave if this is all you're going to talk about." I snapped, pushing him away from me as I turned and picked my popsicle off the desk, which I had dropped when he pulled me to my feet. I heard him give a low growl, my ears going flat on my head and me cowering down a little.

"Well I am so sorry for trying to mark you as mine; your best friend and not some stranger that's gonna rape you on the streets!" He barked at me before stomping to the door, walking out and slamming it shut behind him. I couldn't help but to let off a small whine, beginning to worry about if I mad him mad or not. He seemed pissed...

I sighed and quickly ate the rest of my popsicle, wiping the tainted blue off my lips the best I could with my arm as I picked up the wrapper and stick. I held the trash in one of my small hands and walked over to the door, opening it and walked down the hall and to the kitchen. Even though me and Jake were dating, we had our own separate rooms. His was on the top floor and mine was at the bottom. Though, most of the time we just slept on the couch together, anyways.

I walked into the kitchen, my anxiety skyrocketing as I noticed a bunch of people staring me down. I felt my tail go in between my legs and kept my eyes glued on the floor. I opened the trash can and tossed the trash into the bin, shutting it and turning around. As soon as I turned I almost bumped into somebody, gasping when I felt my back get slammed against the wall.

"Well hi there, cutie." A guy said in a low voice, making my breath hitch. He was tall and muscular with ash blond hair and bright, violet eyes. His dimples were vividly showing with an accompanied smile, freckles speckling his cheeks and nose. His ears were perked up high on his head, though they weren't cat ears. They were wolf ears.

"I, uh... h-hey..." I nervously mumbled, my legs shaking by the slightest. I saw him look around me and smirk before glancing back into my innocent, hazel eyes.

"I see you're not marked. But it's obvious you're in heat." He pointed out. I could feel my face burning with blush as a few more boys circled around me, most of them having wolf-like features. I was going to reply to his comment, but it only came off as a weak and scared whine. I saw his smirk, me instantly hugging myself and giving a small whine when he took his own T-shirt off, me already having mine off.

"Aww, don't act so scared. We won't completely fill you up..." One of the bystanders promised me, though I ignored him as I brought my hands up and covered the sides and the back of my neck, pressing my back against the wall.

"Leave me alone...!" I snapped, looking between them. There was one other guy like me, and the rest were wolves. I could feel my legs shaking under me as I looked up at them, my ears flat on my head and my tail in between my legs.

"Why should we? It's obvious you want someone to fill you up. So just let us do that..." The guy barked at me. I gave a small whimper, yelping quietly when I was shoved onto my knees on the ground.

"No~ leave me alone!" I almost yelled at them, my heart pounding against my chest. I felt the male grab my hips and tug at my shorts, me giving off a gasp when I felt the weight the boy was putting on my shoulders disappear. I looked up to see Jake a few inches away from my side, his ears perked in an anxious way and a low growl coming from his throat.

"You better keep your fucking hands off of him!" Jake barked at the man, his tail bushed with anger. I heard the other male emit a deep growl before looking back at his friends. It was obvious that they could have easily beat up Jake, but the guy accepted defeat, anyways.

"Let's go, guys." He said as he turned and stomped to the door, his 'gang' following behind him with confused looks on their faces, whispering and mumbling things to one another. My eyes quickly darted up to look at Jake, who looked pissed. He waited until they left before he turned and glared at me.

"I thought I told you not to leave your room!" He yelled, making me jump back and give off a faint whimper. I bit my lip and quickly looked away from him, looking down at the floor.

"I'm sorry, J-Jakey..." I mumbled, quickly apologizing to him. He gave off a small sigh, and before I knew it I felt his soft lips against mine. I instantly kissed him back, moving forward a bit when he split the kiss.

"It's alright, just... j-just go to your room." He said, pushing his hands into his pockets. I bit my lip before giving in and nuzzling my head against his chest.

"J-Jake... I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Can you please mark me as yours...?" I quietly begged him. I felt him wrap his strong arms around me, pulling me closer to him. Other than that, he didn't do anything except for lead me up to my room, kissing the side of my neck as he shut the door behind us and pushed me against my back on the bed, not leaving much to the imagination as he began to strip both of our bodies of the clothes that separated us from one another and began to make me his one and only...

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