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I smiled warmly and pointed to one of the pictures in the book Jake had rested in his lap. "What was that about?" I asked with a giggle. It was him, no older than five or six, standing in the middle of three older girls with makeup on his face and gems in his hair. He had his small arms crossed over his chest, looking obviously upset.

"Sisters." He simply hummed with a small laugh. I kissed his cheek before grabbed the book, taking it from him and setting it in my lap. "Now do you think you're ready to go?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hesitated before softly shaking my head no, a slight frown on my face as I stared down at the book, flipping the page.

"Not yet..." I mumbled. There were even more embarrassing pictures of him and his family.

"Why not?" He asked, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Because..." I simply hummed, ignoring his affection as I closed the book and set it on the coffee table. I rolled over to face him, looking up into his chocolate brown eyes, which were full of life!

"Because why, exactly?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. I bit down on my lip, laying my head on his chest and nuzzling closer to him.

"Well, a lot of reasons..." When Jake and Ally were still dating, his family was around a lot. There would be times I'd go places with them, and all they'd talk about was how pretty she is, or how smart and artistic she is. "L-Like... what if they don't like me...?"

"Al, baby; they've met you before. They're just my parents. They've known you for about five years now!" He said, looking a bit confused.

"Yeah, I know that much, but... what if they blame me for you leaving Ally? They loved her!" I said, feeling the worry begin to rise in my chest. Well, more than it already had.

"Dude, don't worry about things like that. It'll be fine..." Jake cooed in my ear, using one of his hands go begin to mess with my hair, which he knew clamed me down. I leaned my head against his hand a slight bit, sighing softly and tightening my grip on his waist.

"Jakey... you haven't even told them we are a couple yet. You haven't even told them you're bi yet!" I felt his eyes on me for a few moments before he looked back up.

"Well... have you told your parents?" He asked, twirling my hair around his finger.

"Well, I, uh... n-no..." I quietly mumbled.

"Exactly. Now can we please go? If we don't leave soon, we'll be late." He said, slowly letting me go. I looked up at him, reluctantly standing up beside him.

"F-Fine... let's go..." I mumbled, shoving my hands into the pockets of my skiny jeans, walking to the front door.


I slid my chair out and took a seat, anxiously looking up at Jake, who sat own beside me. He gave me a soft smile, which made my anxiety and nervousness disappear for a few moments. "So, Jakey; why did you want to meet us here?" His mom asked to him. We had decided to all come together at an Olympic, which is like a fancy salad place.

"Well, I wanted to tell you guys about something." Jake replied. He made sure neither his mom or dad could see before he placed a hand on my thigh, my worry probably showing on every inch of my expression.

"What is it?" His dad asked, picking up the menu.

"Well, as you know... me and Al-"

"Sorry we're late." I looked over to see two old people take a seat at the table. Jake's eyes widened a bit as he glanced back at me.

"W-Who's that?" I quietly asked to him.

"My grandparents... a-and, well... They're very old fashioned." Jake said, squeezing my thigh slightly. I could tell I was beginning to breath more deeply as he talked. Oh gosh...

"Uh... w-what are you doing here?" He asked them, jumping a slight bit when his dad spoke up.

"Well, I invited them. It's been so long since we've done something together! Plus, you brough your little friend." I felt my heartbeat quicken when he said friend. "Now what did you want to tell me?" He asked, placing the menu back down on the table.

"Now what did you have to tell us, sweetie?" Jake's mom asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Well, I uh... w-we... uh, I... ugh!" He threw his free hand over his face, his cheeks covered in red.

"Jake, what's wrong?" His grandmother asked. Jake sat in silence for a moment before looking over at me. I took his hand off my thigh and held it tightly, making sure his family couldn't see. He sighed, finally looking up at the others.

"I'm just gonna come out and say it... as you all know, me and Ally broke up. But what-"

"Oh, that Ally was such a character! It's a shame you let a girl such as her go!" Jake's grandmother purred, folding her hands across the table. I looked up at Jake, who looked rather upset.

"Well, I broke up with her because-"

"There was no excuse. You two were perfect for each other. It was a poor excuse to dump her. You'll never find anybody near as good as she was." His grandmother, once again, interrupted. Jake glanced over at me, and, I hadn't noticed it before, but my lip was quivering slightly. This just made Jake more mad!

"I broke up with her because I love Albert!" Jake yelled with a deep growl, standing up and slamming both of his hands against the table. I hid my face in my hands, feeling my cheeks burning with blush and a few tears threatening me.

"What?! Jacob Alexander Jayingee!" His grandad yelled, jumping to his feet, just as Jake had done. "You know this family does not encourage faggots!"

"Albert has been more of a family than any of y'all have been in years!" I looked up, everyone in the building staring and whispering.

"Bullshit! Don't you dare insult our family like that!" Jake'a dad chimed in. I quickly stood up and wiped my eyes, not saying anything as I began to walk to the front door, tears staining my red cheeks.

"Look, that faggot of yours is leaving; why don't you go with him because you sure as hell aren't coming back home with us!" I heard his dad yell at him. My heart felt shattered. It felt like it was in a million pieces just from hearing all the things Jake's family were saying to him! I took in a deep breath, and despite all the people staring and how much of a mess I looked like, I turned and stomped back to the table.

I could tell everyone in the building had their eyes on me as I wiped my eyes and looked up at all of them. "You know... Jake is the most amazing person I have ever met...! H-He's adorable, and funny, and caring a-and he's loving and... well you know what!? Fuck all of you! You're letting the most amazing person ever walk out those doors for a decision he made! Your own son and grandson! What the hell!?" I snapped, grabbing Jake's hand softly, intertwining our fingers.

They were quiet for a few moments before his dad finally spoke up. "Man, Albert... and you were one of the few friends Jake has I actually liked." I groaned, turning as I began to walk out the door. I blushed brightly as people all around us began to clap, though I kept walking.

It was only when I got to the truck I noticed that I had a river of tears going down my face. I finally looked up at Jake, who looked rather stunned. He looked down at me and instantly threw his arms around me, pulling me close. "Oh my god, I love you so much!" He mumbled in my ear, pecking me on the lips.

I smiled, wiping my cheeks. "I love you, too, Jakey. A-Are you okay?" I asked in a soft tone, sniffling. He nodded his head, keeping me close to him.

"I've never been better..." He hummed, laying his head on top of mine.

"C-Can we please just go home and cuddle...?" I asked, obvious stress and pain in my voice.

"Definitely! That's really all I want right now..." He admitted, taking my hand and helping me into the passengers seat of the truck. "Thank you so much for sticking up for me to my parents. That took a lot of guts." He said, kissing my cheek.

"No problem, babe... I'd do anything for you!" I promised. And I never break a promise...

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