The Doctor Could Be Wrong...?

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Jake's POV

It was just a normal day; me and Albert cuddling in bed. I had my arms loosly around his small waist, our body's close. "Hey, Jakey~" He hummed with a small smile, his head on my shoulder as he turned and looked up at me.

"Yeah, baby boy?" I asked, taking my hand off his waist as I brought it up, beginning to run it threw his curly mess if hair.

"I had a dream about you last night." He said with a smirk, leaning his head against my hand, purring softly. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, slouching down so me and him were the same height.

"Or, really? What was your dream about?" I asked, twirling his hair around my finger. His golden eyes were happily staring into mine as he began to talk.

"Well, we were on a cruise ship, and it was our honeymoon! Well, we found a stray cat on board so, after hours of begging and pleading, you let me keep it! So then we had a pet cat..." He said, giggling a bit. I laughed softly at his actions, smiling brightly.

"Really? What did we name it?" I asked in a warm tone. "Please don't tell me it was something stupid." He facial expression suddenly changed as he burst into laughter.

"You let me name it Mr. LampShade!" He said, putting his arms around me.

"Oh god, Albert!" I laughed, holding him tightly. I loved waking up in the morning! Him in my arms, telling me random shit like this... it was perfect! I watched him open his mouth to say something else, but before I could we both looked at the night stand when his phone began to ring. He picked it up, frowning a bit when he saw it was Lana's contact.

Me and Albert have been together for about a month now. Him and Lana still kept in contact, but they could never look at eachother the same way anymore. He left after he found out she had hooked up with some other guy named Jordan. She was going to break up with Albert, but didn't have the beart to. Lucky for Al, he found out and called it off. Though he had his eyes on me for a while, so in the end they both got what they wanted.

He sighed before he pressed the answer button, putting the device up to his ear. "Hello...?" He asked, sounding confused. Then again, I was, too. She never called this early in the morning...?

"H-Hey, Albert. Can we talk... please?" Her voice sounded a bit frantic and she spoke quickly. His expression turned into a kind of worried one as he glanced over at me and put the call on speaker phone.

"Uh, sure. What's up?" He layed the phone down beside us on the bed and sat up slowly, still staring into my eyes, obviously confused.

"W-Well, I went to the d-doctors last night because I felt like I was going to b-be sick, and w-we have a problem..." He looked incredibly worried. Even though they weren't that close anymore, they still had an overwhelming amount of care for eachother.

"What's the problem?!" He asked, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, holding my hand rather tightly.

"W-Well, uh... I-I'm pregnant..." I saw Albert's eyes widen as my jaw dropped. "B-But, I don't know if the kid's yours or Jordan's..." He bit down on his lip and turned his head, staring at the phone as if he was actually looking into her eyes.

"A-Are you sure...? The doctor could be wrong!" He said, his arm shaking a bit.

"That's what I thought, too... s-so I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive! A-And I started to think, and I've been eating a lot more junk food then I normally do..." Her voice sounded worried and a bit distressed as she talked.

He stared at the device for a moment before looking back at me, his teeth deep in his bottom lip. "Don't hurt yourself..." I whispered to him. He nodded and took his teeth out of his lip, sighing loudly.

"A-And I don't want you to do anything drastic, but I thought that~" Albert grabbed the phone and quickly hung up, throwing it back onto the nightstand, probably cracking it from how hard he tossed it.

"Albert, what the heck?!" I asked. He turned his head and looked at me with a slightly relieved look.

"There's no way it's mine..." He said, laying back down beside me. "I always used a condom when I was with her because I didn't want a kid..." He said, putting his hands around me, me putting my arms around his waist. I stayed quiet as I looked down at him. "Not my kid, not my problem... I just wanna be with you and only you... and nothing, not even Lana, is gonna stop that!"

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