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[a/n: somehow I can't set the chapter numbers as exponents anymore, now I'm sad :( ]

PoV: Kim Seokjin

Arriving in my backstage area I plopped down onto the big, leathery couch. My throat was a little sore so I asked one of the staffs to bring me some water, and of course I asked for some food as well. My manager handed me some naengmyeon (cold noodles), while announcing that he ordered some chicken for later as well. I flashed him a thankful smile and starting eating after taking a sip from my water bottle.

Weird, I thought, stuffing the noodles into my mouth via chopsticks, Hobi usually called me right after concerts. Why wasn't he calling now? I took out my phone with my free hand - at least that's what I wanted to do.
I aimed for my pocket but soon felt that it was empty. I tried the other ones as well, even my blazer pockets but the device was nowhere to be found. Where could I have left it? I definitely took it onto the stage with me.. I furrowed my brows, sucking up the noodles, thinking hard.


"Yes, Seokjin?", my manager said, returning with a plate full of chicken breast.

"Nom nom!", I gasped in excitement, stealing a piece with my chopsticks before taking a huge bite. My manager chuckled although he was used to my behavior when it came to food. "Why did you call me?" Oh, I had almost forgotten because of the food. Switching between my naengmyeon and the chicken after each bite I started to talk.

"I can't find my phone anywhere, but I'm pretty sure I took it on stage with me.", my lips formed a slight pout, "Have you seen it, manager-ssi?" He tilted his head, looking thoughtful. "No, not that I remember. Maybe you didn't take it with you?" I shrugged, sighing quietly. "But I was so sure.., hm, thank you anyways." My manager left, a friendly smile on his lips. My mind drifted off again, as I ate my food.

Round brown eyes. Beautifully shaped pink lips, sometimes revealing cute bunny teeth. Hair, so deeply black, quite long and looking very fluffy.

Oh and the Jawline, bitch please cut me.

My mind was occupied by the boy who stood somewhere in the front row of my concert just about twenty minutes prior. God, Seokjin, could you stop being so annoyingly gay? I realized I had even stopped eating thinking about said male. This was surely a rare occasion.

"I have fallen in love!", I whined dramatically, continuing to stuff my cheeks with cold noodles.

"Calm your ugly ass down, I bet you're being over dramatic again.", one of my producers SUGA stated as he walked into my backstage room.

"Why don't you just go back to sleep, you jealous-of-my-beauty-bitch?", I snapped, sulking afterwards. Don't get me wrong, SUGA - also known as Min Yoongi - and me were great friends. We just were a bit teasing with each other sometimes. Or like, maybe all the time.

"I'm gonna do exactly that as soon as you talk to Hobi.", he outstretched his right arm to hand me his phone, "He called me because apparently you lost your own phone to some fan."

"To some fan?", I asked, not sure whether to be relieved or worried. I took Yoongi's phone and pressed it against my ear while he was already rubbing his arm from having to hold out the device to me for about five seconds. Lazy ass bitch.


PoV: Jung Hoseok

As soon as I ended the call with Jungkook I got into my car and called Yoongi. I put him on speaker, starting the engine. He responded after what felt like three years, but I was used to that.

A grumpy huff resounded through my car.

"Yes, hyung, I know I probably woke you up but this is important."

"Listen boi, if this happens to be not important then I'll murder you in your sleep."

I laughed before returning to the topic I wanted to address again, while driving in direction of the concert hall. "So basically little Seokjinnie pabo left his phone on stage or something and now a fan has it. To make this more important: you know Jin's wallpaper is a picture from that upcoming underwear add and if anyone gets their hands on it before the company publishes it y'all be fucked."

From what it sounded like Yoongi nuzzled is face into his pillow one last time before answering an annoyed "fine". He finally seemed to be getting up. I waited patiently and focused on the road until I heard my best friend's voice.

"I have fallen in love!" God damn it, what had happened now? You couldn't leave Jin alone for ten minutes, otherwise he'll be convinced he had a mad crush on someone.

"Calm your ugly ass down, I bet you're being over dramatic again."

"Why don't you go back to sleep, you jealous-of-my-beauty-bitch?"

"I'm gonna do exactly that as soon as you talk to Hobi. He called me because apparently you lost your phone to some fan." You could hear that Yoongi wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep.

"To some fan?", Jin made a short pause before continuing, much closer to the microphone this time, "Hobiiii?"

Finally it was my turn to speak. "Jin hyung! I heard you're missing you're phone?" A smirk appeared on my face as I turned left. "Yeah, actually! How did you know?", he asked, probably pouting due to his whiny tone.

"Well, I called my best bitch, just as I usually do after your concerts. Turns out a fanboy has you're phone and I'm on my way to pick it up from that little bunny for you!", I smiled, checking my navigation system. I'll be there in six minutes.

"Ohhh! Thank you so much, you're my favorite dongsaeng- ouch! ..yoongi stop..! OUCH! Okay, I love you both equally.", Jin claimed and I faked vomiting noises as a response. "But, Hobi, what did you say, 'that little bunny'?"

"Yeah, I got his number because he had to send me his location for me to get your phone. I looked at his profile picture because, duh, I have to know what he looks like and he has a really nice smile! His front teeth remind me of a bunny though, like in a good way, that's why I called him that.", I answered, confused as Jin didn't answer anymore.


"Please get back here immediately."

"But you're phone-"


[a/n: next chapter will probably include some texting. I feel like I'm rushing their meet up but I can't help it :( Also thanks to the few people who comment and vote lmao, I really appreciate it and it motivates me! That's why I'm updating again already :D]

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