¹summer nights

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PoV: Jeon Jungkook

"Ready?", my dad asked me, as he shoved my suitcase into our car's trunk. "Yep.", I answered, letting myself fall onto the leathery passenger seat.
My dad started the car and we drove off.

It was a sunny day here in Busan and it had been quite hot for the past days.
I had especially enjoyed the temperature of the later hours, when it had still been warm but one tended to get a little cold.

Somehow I just loved the in between.

Summer nights always made me feel some type of way, last night for example.
I had gone to my favourite place; a small hill in the forest, just at the edge of our town. Cuddled up in a hoodie I had looked up at the stars all night whilst listening to my favourite singer.

Kim Seokjin, or as he called himself: world wide handsome.

His vocal range was incredible. Seokjin's voice could get so soft you'd get the feeling of him caressing your bare heart, keeping it safe for he'd let no one hurt you.
The idol's songs always calmed me down. They had the perfect sound for stargazing, that's why I spent my night with it yesterday.

I had just looked at the dark sky, feeling more alive than ever. I felt every fibre of my body, I felt myself existing.
Being away from the big city, not having to think about any of my duties or responsibilities.
I had felt myself as not only a part of society, but as an individual, being worthy and stunning on its own.
Seokjin had taken part in making me feel that way; I was extremely thankful for being alive at the same time he was so I could listen to his music and just enjoy his pure being.


The sun was still up and didn't seem to want to set.
"We're almost there.", my Dad said as he drove into the city of Seoul.
His boss had sent him here for some business stuff and I immediately said I'd come along.
I had never been to Seoul before and wanted to spend a week of my last summer holidays here before going to college. Looking forward to getting to know this city I hopped out of the car, as soon as we parked in front of my hotel.

My dad got out of the car as well which kind of confused me, since I thought he'd be driving further into Seoul for his business meetings.
"Son,", he said, taking out my suitcase and placing one hand on my shoulder, "Your mother and I thought about how we could make this trip amazing for you, even if you don't want us to come along."
I looked at him suspiciously. "What are you talking about, dad?"
He just smiled and handed me a rectangular piece of paper. It was colored in a soft yellow, white artistic lines formed a tulip right in the center of it.

I recognized it at once.

This was not just any piece of paper, this was a freaking concert ticket to Kim Seokjin's PASTEL SKY tour.
My mouth opened itself, unable to speak. I slowly turned the ticket in my hands, reading what it said when I finally found my voice again.
"What?? Tonight? Dad this... I bet this was eomma's idea, wasn't it?" He laughed slightly and nodded.
"We know you love this guy so we figured since you're in Seoul for the next few days anyways..."
It was just now that I noticed three, silvery shining letters at the top left corner. "VIP?", I asked, not wanting to think of how much this must have costed my parents. "This is too much..."
"We knew, you'd say that. That's why I'm only telling you this now so you basically have to go.", he grinned at me and tried to convince me of this again, as he saw the guilty look on my face.
"Boy. We know you've been wanting to see him live for ages now, so please do us a favour and go. Drop off your stuff and I'll drive you to the location. The concert's going to start in three hours."

Before I could answer anything my father almost pushed me into the entrance hall of the hotel I'd be staying in. I automatically checked in and went up to my room to leave my suitcase there, still not realizing what had just happened.

I'd see Seokjin's adorable face today. I'd hear his high notes while he's standing right in front of me.
I'd feel his presence.

I almost ran down the stairs and out of the building to get into our car again. I'll fucking see him. In three hours. What?
"Well, someone's excited!", my dad mentioned happily as I fastened my seatbelt and closed the passenger's door within two seconds. "I'm just extremely overwhelmed right now. You know that I'm not the type who fangirls over someone.", I admitted, peaking out of the window to get my first live impressions of Seoul.

The wind was blowing through my dark hair and I closed my eyes. I'd be thanking my parents for this for the rest of my life.

[this is a crappy and short first chapter, wowie. I just kinda didn't want to immediately start with the concert but I also didn't want this "introduction" to be longer than it had to be.]

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