Jungkook: "huh".

Me: "Same. I'm Ha-" she cut me off.

Hyuni: "I already know your names Hana, Jungkook, and Minseo," she said while pointing at each of us.

Me: "How d-" she cut me off again.-right I'm gonna kill who will cut me off again!!-

Hyuni: "They both talk a lot about you with me especially about you Hana," she said, in the end, pointing to me.

Me: "huh..?" I was confused.

Hyuni: "Chim Chim said you are very pretty which is true after seeing you," she said smiling. Hearing it I slightly got blushed and lowered my head biting my lower lip.

Me: "Thank you," I said.

Minseo: "Who is ChimChim?" she asked confused.

Taehyung: "Chim Chim is Jimin," he said laughing. We giggled and jimin glared at taehyung.

After some time:

Hyuni: "Well as I also met you all, it would be wrong if I won't invite you guys, so tomorrow is my birthday so I'm giving a birthday treat to them, you should also come at my apartment, I would appreciate it if you all come," she exclaimed.

Minseo: "Sure we will come, Thank you for inviting," she said and jungkook and I nodded along.

Hyuni: "Yayy~it's settled then," she said bouncing just like jimin did.

After that, we decided to eat ice cream and sat on the grass where isn't that much crowd. We are sitting in a circle.

Hyuni: "WAIT!!" she suddenly shouted looking between taehyung and jimin. We flinched by sudden loud voice looking at her confused. God knows this girl has some disease of suddenly shouting.

Taehyung: "What happened Hyuni-ah," he asked nudging her.

Hyuni: "Jimin you said Taehyung got a girlfriend already...who is that lucky girl?" she asked looking between jimin and taehyung.

Taehyung and all of us eyes widened while Jimin chocked on eating ice cream. I immediately lowered my head biting my lips knowing what's coming.

Minseo&Jungkook: "W-What? When?!" they asked surprised looking at Taehyung who was equally surprised, maybe more than them.

Taehyung: "That's no-"before he could say anything further jimin cut him off immediately.

Jimin: "Hana!... Hana is the lucky girl" he shouted immediately and I shut my eyes, my heart started to beat faster. My body got all heat up.

Hyuni: "Is-Is it true Taehyung?" she asked looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung: "Hyuni its n-"

Me: "It's true!" I said hurriedly looking up at Hyuni they were all shocked, surprised, everything. I know thousands of questions are running in their minds."We-We are in r-relationship" I added, my heartbeat was beating crazily fast.

I glanced at Taehyung and he is looking straight in my soul while giving the look "what the hell did you just say?" I immediately looked away.

Hyuni:"..Whoa! im so happy... I didn't know taehyung will move-- I mean Co-Congratulations Taehyung! she is very pretty and y-you both look cute together" she managed to say and at the end of the sentence, she hugged taehyung.

I blushed at the compliment while taehyung was expressionless looking at my side and I was getting a lot nervous and start fidgeting with my shirt.

Accidentally In Love? ||Taehyung FF|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now