Danti - My Tormenter - Part Two

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Anti's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. My body felt warm and fuzzy from the warm blanket currently swamping my whole body. It felt so nice to be cuddled up to something so soft instead of chains attempting to break my bones with every move they pull on my body. My mind was at ease, I didn't remember where I was or what was happening. I just know that I'm happy. I allow my eyes to close once more and bury my face into the soft pillows just beneath me. 

I heard the clicking sound of a door opening and closing. A sudden wave of something filled the air, an overwhelming presence yet somehow I liked it. It gave me a sense of comfort and I began to doze off once more - content. I felt the presence loom over me, being stronger than when it first entered the room. I felt a cold finger run along my neck then pull on something lightly. It brought my attention to a weighted, metal collar around me.

I let off a quiet whimper as memories came back to me of yesterday. That's the only sound I could make. I didn't know what to say and thinking of what happened just made my cheeks light up with a dusted pink; eye glowing slightly with a dark green.

I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes again to see him. The man that had filled my dreams and make me think it was all one big nightmare. However, it was reality - definitely not a nightmare.

I heard his voice rumble with a deep chuckle as he stared me down. "Did you sleep well, kitten?"

I can feel his hand run up under my shirt slightly, rubbing up and down my stomach. His cold hand - almost like ice.

However, I wasn't going to give in on day two. There's no way in hell.

I quickly hit him away, "get off of me you sick fuck!"

He only raised an eyebrow at my antics.

"You can't do shit, I'll never be your docile play thing!" I hissed, continuing . "And if you think you caaa--!!"

I let off a small scream as the collar shocked me. It was on one of the higher settings, left like it from last night I assume. My hands shot up to my neck to try and pull it away but it just hurt more from the way the electricity hit.

The shock had startled me to sit up right, now slumped when it finally stopped. I took in a few deep breaths, calming down.

I heard his voice hum quietly as he ran a hand through my green hair and past my slightly pointed ears.

I let off a shaky breath as goosebumps broke out across my snow skin.

"Come on kitten, time for breakfast."

After just a few moments, he lifted me up bridle style and carried me down a flight of stairs. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He was wearing the same suit as yesterday yet it was still crisp and fresh.

My eyes were half lidded as he sat me down on a wooden chair at a table. He brought another chair over, a replica of the one I was on. I was still slightly hunched over - from my upper shoulders - as I stayed seated. It was actually quite comfortable but probably only for a short period of time. I would hate to have to sit on this for an hour waiting for something.

"Sit up." He suddenly ordered me. I looked up at him, not doing it. "I don't want you to get back problems from slouching." He briefly explained to me. I saw he had perfect posture. His back was straight, shoulders perfect, legs crossed on one other. In his lap was a small plate with food on it. I could see some fruit slices and pieces of toast with jam.

I heard a click, then another and then another. He was fiddling with the shock remote. He then pressed the button that did shock me and it was a much lighter and shorter one. It wasn't as pleasurable but it'll do. I still didn't sit up however.

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