Danti - Intense Smut

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WARNING. This chapter will include big acts of sadism and masochism. The main topic here will be medical play and may upset some people. You have been warned.

Anti's POV

"Thanks Sneeple!" I said as I left the doctor's room. In my hand I now held a bag with a green cross on it. The rest of the bag was black.

I hummed, skipping down the halls of the fairly big mansion and to my own room. He had big plans tonight for his precious Dark and he doesn't even know what's coming.

It was going to be absolutely perfect.

So many ideas ran through my mind but I had a specific way I was going to do it.

He'll be a screaming dishevelled mess by the end of it.

I can't wait.

The thought of his pristine figure being shattered thrills me, gives me such an adrenaline rush. His fancy, flicked over hair a mess, his suit and tie falling off him. Seeing that heated stare and powerlessness in his eyes. I'd love to sink my teeth into his monochrome neck, hear him sing me sweet songs of lust and pleasure as he is the instrument, and I his player.

What I have planned tonight will make Dark break into a million pieces, he will let go of his aura, the room will shake from the excitement of it all. I know I already am.

I enter my room and quickly close the door behind me. I didn't want the surprise to be ruined.

I hide the black bag in my drawers, the bottom one. It was my sock drawer. No one ever dares to even have a look, let alone smell how bad it is.

I don't tend to wash my socks often, they always get lost. I just buy new ones, throw the old ones in here.

The equipment was in sterilised packets in the bag, so I didn't need to worry about germs. Plus Dark wouldn't get that sort of infection. He'd probably just feel gross.

I intend to make him feel disgusted. A disgusted pleasure that he hates but will be begging for more of. He will be writhing from my touch.

Yet, not now. Not today. It has to be perfect and I intend to make sure it is.

There was no need to rush any of it.

I had to begin step one of my plan.

If this part wasn't done correctly, the whole plan will fail.

I change clothes into something more casual. I was in something smart for once due to Sneeple always being such a germaphobic. I swear he's crazy. Yet, we all are here so I can't judge him. He's an odd type of crazy, but smart.

I get changed into a black shirt and some blue jeans. I find them comfortable so I'm gonna wear them. I didn't bother with shoes and just out some fluffy black socks on. They didn't smell too much so I thought they would be fine to wear around. Its not like anyone will be sniffing my feet.

I hope...

I leave my room, quietly clicking the door behind me. I looked up and down the hall. To the right, then the left. I then go to leave.

"What are you up to?" Dark suddenly appeared on the right, making me jump out of my skin.

"Jasus! Don't ya know its not nice to sneak up on people like that?" I hissed.

Dark cracked his knuckles by clenching his hands by his sides. "Your hiding something. What is it?"

"Porn." I lied through my bare teeth, yet I cake up with it just like that. I blushed ever so slightly from that being the first thing that cones to mind.

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