He led you to the dining room and made you sit on a chair.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" Asked Jungkook.

"As ready as I'll ever be." You said while failing to contain your smile.

"Okay, take off the blind fold!" Jimin said excitedly.

As soon as you regained your vision, they threw confetti and silly string at you. They all yelled surprise and in front of you there was a cake. The icing on the cake said "we love you Y/N". Tears began to prick your eyes and you couldn't have been any happier.

"But guys, it's not my birthday yet." You half laughed, half cried.

"Who said we were celebrating your birthday?" Annie asked.

"Yeah this could be a "it's a girl" party." Jimin added.

Jungkook laughed very loudly at his statement. "HA HA, but it's not!"

"Whatever this is, thank you guys."

"Like I said earlier, it's what friends do. Now hurry up and cut the cake. I've been wanted to eat it ever since it got here!" Annie rushed.

Jin handed you a knife and let you cut the cake. Once everyone had a slice you sat back and enjoyed your cake.

3:12 am

Now was the time. Right after the little celebration ended, Namjoon had handed you a note. It read:

Meet me on the balcony at 3:15. - Joonie

It was a simple note but there was lots of meaning behind it. You got up from your bed and tip toed to the door. You tried not to make any noise as you walked down the dark hallway. Before you opened the door to the balcony, you took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves.

It was now or never. You were sure that it was 3:15 so you set your hand on the door knob and pushed it open. You stepped out into the cold night and let out a nervous sigh.

"3:15... Right on the dot." Said a deep voice you could reconize from anywhere.

"It be pretty rude of me to make you wait. Wouldn't it?"

You looked around and noticed nthe clear sky. Other than the cold breeze, it was a good night to look at the stars. You awkwardly walked over to the railing and leaned against it. You tried to calm yourself by looking for stars and it worked... For a bit.

Namjoon did the same as you and looked up at the sky.

"Y/N... About what happened... I'm sorry. I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry. But I wasn't dating her. I was forced into a deal with her crazy mother and if I didn't listen she'd make my life a living hell. I know I should have stood up to her in said no but I guess I was scared. I'm really sorry though. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who treats you right and won't hurt you."



"I don't care. We only get one life to live and I'm going to waste it being hung up on something that's in the past. Yes, you hurt me but I forgive you. I just want to start over now. Let's put this behind us and start over." You said while making him face you.

"Okay. Let's start over... I actually have something that I need to tell you though."

"What's that?"

His hands grabbed your waist which forced you to stumble into him. His fingers grasped the back of your neck as he pulled you in to meet his eager lips. His other arm snaked around your waist and secured you in your place. You were a bit surprised but you returned the kiss.

He slowly pulled away from you and rested his forehead on yours.

"I love you."



Wow. I just completed my very first book. Honestly none of this could have happened if it wasn't for you, my dear reader. Thank you for taking your time to read this. I don't have the words to explain to you how much it means to me. Just... Thank you so very much.

This is a bittersweet feeling, ending my first book. I'm just thankful for all the love and support that it's received. I can't say it enough but thank you. I can't believe this is the last A/N of this book. Well, thanks guys. It was an awesome and amazing experience.


P.S. just a thought but maybe if you miss me you can go read 'His Majesty' if not that's cool. But I'm taking a break so I can adjust to school and get myself together. I'll be back September 1 which is when I will officially start His Majesty. Okay byeeeeeeeee

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