Chapter 23

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Namjoon's P.O.V


Jin slept over last night because we got a bit distracted from our mission. When I woke up that morning, he was already in my closet picking out suites and jackets. I sat up in bed which made him realize that I was awake.

"Good morning sleeping beauty! I already picked out some nice suits and other things that would look good for tonight. Wait, is this thing formal or casual?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'll ask when I drop off the painting later. So, I think you can put my clothes away now." I reply groggily.

"Fine but I already picked out what you're wearing to work today. You might be a painter but who says you can't paint in style!" Jin said while raising up a nice outfit he threw together.

"Jin, when I paint, I usually get paint on myself. I don't think I should wear that right now." I say while studying at the outfit.

"Don't you wear an apron or something over you?"

"Sometimes... I like to paint without though."

"Well, you're wearing it and you better be careful not to get paint on you today," Jin stated with a humph.

"I'll do my best, hyung."

He placed the outfit on the end of the bed and went to put the rest of the clothes in the closet. I hauled myself out of the warm bed and stretched. It was freezing this morning and I didn't feel like doing anything. Sadly, duty calls. I picked up the outfit and stared at it. How am I supposed to stay clean? I'll just change into the extra pair of clothes that I keep in my studio. I take the outfit with me to the bathroom and get in the shower.

After I was finished in the bathroom, I went out to look for Jin. He wasn't in the room anymore so I went downstairs. The others must have already been awake because I could detect Y/N's food and I heard Jimin whining about something. Jungkook was the first to notice my presence.

"Woah, hyung! Where are you going today? You look like you're going to a premiere." He said in amazement.

"Nope, just going to work," I replied.

"I told him that today he was going to paint in style!" Jin added enthusiastically.

When Y/N came out of the kitchen she stopped and dropped her jaw at the sight of me.

"Woah, are you having dinner with a queen? Or do you normally dress up like that?" She asked.

"No, Jin dressed me up today."

"Between the two choices of sexy and classy, what would you describe him as?" Asked Annie who was smirking.

Y/N froze and her eyes opened wide. She seemed to be having trouble forming words but was also clearly embarrassed.

"I-I don't think I'm the person to say..." She said slowly.

"Well, I think he looks hot," Jin said.

"Aww really? Thanks, babe." I playfully responded.

He shot me a wink and I smiled back. Annie was clearly disgusted with us but I didn't care.

"Eww, get a room," Jungkook said while shoving food in his mouth.

I looked down at my watch and realized that if I didn't leave now, I would be in trouble with Hyun. After I said my goodbyes I hopped in my car and got to work just in time to get there before Hyun. I didn't feel like getting a lecture from him today. Honestly, when I was walking into work, I felt powerful in the clothes Jin gave me to wear. It was a boost of confidence and I was loving it. Inside the office, I looked at the finished painting and called for Hyun.

"What did you ne-... Woah, Namjoon... What are you wearing?" Hyung asked mildly confused.

"Oh, This? Something a friend picked out for me. Why? Do you like it?"

"It's certainly different from your casual clothes... You look good though. Are you wearing that for the party?"

"Of course not. I'm wearing something else. My friend is currently putting my outfit together while I'm away. Now, get the staff and tell them to get the van ready so we can deliver this painting." I commanded.

Hyun scurried off while I got the cloth and tossed it over the painting. This painting was certainly going to catch the eyes of new costumers. Hyun came back with the movers and gave them the instructions. When the painting was in the van Hyun, the crew and I got in and made our way to the Sung's place. It was, of course, a mansion. I went up to the door and rung the bell. I was greeted by Alfred and told him what I was here for. He informed everyone in the house and Miss Sung came to the door immediately.

"Mr. Kim! Did you bring the painting? Oh, I do wish to look at it but Father said I had to wait like everyone else. Oh my goodness! How rude of me, please come inside. Forgive me for my manners." She apologized.

"Its perfectly fine Miss Sung. Is your father home today? I would like to talk to him about the painting and see if it met his expectations." I said bluntly.

"Yes, Father is here and I'm sure he's going to love it. He is in the drawing room. Follow me and I'll take you to him."

I was getting tired of her fancy talk and wanted to leave as soon as I saw her but I needed to talk to Mr. Sung. She led me down the hall and into what looked like to be a living room... Just fancier. Mr. Sung was currently sitting in a chair indulged in some kind of book while her mother, who I had never met or heard of, was sewing.

"Father! Mr. Kim is here and he brought the painting!"

He looked up from his book and smiled warmly. Her mother got up and came towards me with her arms open wide for a hug. I awkwardly hugged her back and smiled. Damn this is so uncomfortable. Mr. Sung got up from his chair and came towards me. He was tall and intimidating.

"So, you are the handsome and skilled painter that I've heard so much about." Mrs. Sung exclaimed." Yuna has told us so much about you."

I was stunned by this because I'm pretty sure the only thing I've told her was my full name.

"I can assure you it was all good things" Mr. Sung added. "But I do believe that you are delivering the painting, right?"

"Yes, my men have it waiting in the hallway. We can bring it in if you would like." I say.

"That would be excellent. Now if the women would be so kind as to leave. I would like to see the painting but it shall be a surprise for you." He said addressing his daughter and wife.

They nodded and left the room. I called out to my men and they carried in the painting. They set it on the floor carefully. I told them to go back to the truck and wait for me. Hyun wanted to stay but I told him to leave.

"I hope the painting is to your liking, Sir," I said.

He pulled on the sheet and it fell to the floor.

He studied the painting quietly, looking at every detail. He picked up the cloth and placed it over the painting, He was quiet before speaking.

"Once again Mr. Kim, you failed to disappoint me."

"I did my very best, Sir," I say politely.

"Mr. Kim, I have something I would like to discuss with you. I am going to be very straight forward with you."

"What is it?" I asked slowly.

"I want you to date, my daughter."



I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday. I am sick and throwing up. I'll do my best to keep writing.

More importantly, I have made the decision that I will not be including smut. I hope you understand. I just don't think it would flow right with the story. Sorry but that is my choice.

One a better note, I have another story idea but i don't know who I should write it about. It's going to be another x Reader one. One of my friends says it should be another Namjoon one but i'm not sure. Maybe I'll do Yoongi or Hoseok. Not sure yet. 

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