Chapter 25

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This the song for the first dance ^^


Y/Ns P.O.V.


"Would you like to dance?"

"Oh... I'm not really much of a dancer." You said quietly.

"It's ok. I'll lead you."

He seized your hand and directed you to the dance floor. You were really nervous because the only kind of dancing you had ever done was when you were dreaming. Even in your dreams, you were bad at dancing. What if people laugh? Jeivel was right I don't belong here.

"Don't worry about what other people think about you. Just focus on the music." He said softly.

His arm snaked around your waist and he pulled you closer his chest. Naturally, your arm rested on his shoulder. He grabbed your other hand and intertwined it with his. Why did I agree to do this? If I come out of here alive, I deserve an award.

"Do you know how to waltz?"

"Why the hell would I need waltzing for in real life. No! I can't even do simple dancing." You stated uneasily.

"Just asking, but don't worry it's easy."

"How do you know how to waltz?"

"My parents taught me when I was a kid. They said it was for future reference and it might come in handy." He answered.

The music started up and he pulled you forward. He closed his eyes and you could feel his body relaxing. It was the most graceful thing you had ever seen. Meanwhile, you felt like he was dragging you along for the ride. He opened his eyes and met yours with a loving gaze.


"May I remind you that people are watching me dance for the first time ever. It's kind of hard to relax." You whispered.

"I don't want you to look at anyone anymore. Just focus on me." He said sounding breathless but demanding.

You peeled your gaze away from everyone in the room and gazed into his gorgeous brown eyes. It was like someone had caught perfection and entrusted it in his care. The whole room faded away and now it seemed as if it was just the two of you.

"See? You're doing it."


You now noticed that it didn't feel like you were being dragged. It was just the two of you totally in sync. The wind was sweeping past you and it felt amazing. It now came to your attention that the music had stopped and everyone was clapping for the both of you. He released you from his embrace and it seemed like you had just remembered how to breathe. You both bowed and walked off the dance floor. Miss Sung came out of nowhere and attached herself to Namjoon's arm.

"Mr. Kim! I didn't know that you knew how to dance. If you don't mind, would you like to be my dance partner? Plus, it should be nice for your girlfriend to rest her feet." She said glancing towards you.

I have a name...

"I would but-"

"Perfect! Come on, the music is about to start." She said while whisking him away.

They vanished into the crowd leaving you alone. Again. Although unlike last time, you figured that checking out the snack bar once or twice wouldn't be a bad idea. You made your way past groups of people, the music in the background signaling that the dance had begun. Once past everyone, the snack table was in clear view. Appetizing snacks and dishes were calling your name. There was almost everything you could ask for! Wow! I can't believe my eyes. One by one you grabbed as much as you could fit on a plate and shoved it into your mouth.

One More Day | Kim Namjoon x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant