Chapter 16

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The next morning came and as a cook, it was your duty to make breakfast. After breakfast was made you called everyone to the table. You made sure you had enough seats for everyone. Let's see that's Hoseok, Annie, Yoongi, Namjoon, Me, and Jungkook. Wait! Jungkook? He wasn't here last night... Was he? You watched as Jungkook took your place and waited to be served food.

"Um, jungkook? Sorry to tell you this but... That's my seat. I didn't you were here so I didn't set out another plate for you."

"Oh, Sorry. It's ok I can sit right here." He moved to the spot next to Annie and grabbed a chair. Annie who noticed her new neighbor tensed up and began to look nervous. Oh boy... You watched as Jungkook tried to make conversation with her. This was one scene that you wanted to look away from but couldn't take your eyes off it. Annie only nodded her head to his questions and gave small laughs to his jokes. She slowly went to grab her drink but accidentally knocked over Jungkook's cup in the process. Everything played out in slow motion. The cup tipped like a tree that was freshly cut down. The sound of the glass hitting the table announced its arrival and demanded everyone's attention. Liquids poured out of the cup landing on Jungkook's jeans. The silence was filled throughout the room as everyone noticed the accident. Annie's face flushed bright red as she stood up and ran back upstairs. Jungkook got up as well but looked down at wet crotch. You looked at Namjoon and nodded towards the stairs. He gets the message and helps Jungkook with his jeans. You go upstairs and knock on Annie's door.

"Annie? Can I come in?"

Silence. You try again but still no answer. This time you open the door and peek in. Annie was holding her knees to her chest while looking out the window. Trying to quietly enter the room, you tried not to make much noise. You sat beside her on her bed look faced towards the window too. She looked at you out of the corner of her eye before placing her head on your shoulder. You laid your head on hers and released a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry. I tried to stay calm but it was too much. He was really close and my whole body was shaking. I didn't know what to do." She said quietly.

"I know. I'm sure if you apologized to Jungkook he would understand. I understand that living in a house filled with guys isn't easy, but it's only for a little while."

"Damn, when you did you become such a mother? Wait, it's good that you're starting now. Gotta be ready when you pop out little Namjoon babies."

"There goes the moment. I'm leaving now. Bye." You say while getting up. She grabs your arm and pulls you back down to the bed.

"Ok, sorry. Please stay with me a little longer. I can't go back down yet." She pleads. After six minutes, you both decide that she could stay upstairs while the rest eat downstairs. You make your way back to the table sit beside Namjoon.

"So?" He whispered.

"She'll be fine as long as she stays away from everyone for a while."

"Don't worry, Jungkook already forgave her. Good thing he wasn't wearing his new jeans."

You nod and begin to eat breakfast.


Later everyone sat in the living room to watch a movie. Surprisingly Annie came out to watch too. Namjoon was putting the movie in when something loud broke through the silence.


Jimin's loud voice boomed through the room this caused Namjoon to stop what he was doing and look at you. Everyone else noticed and gave you questionable looks. Jimin had your phone last time you saw him and he must have changed your ringtone while you weren't looking. Embarrassed you grabbed your phone and answered the call.

One More Day | Kim Namjoon x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon