Chapter 43

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Y/N's P.O.V.


"I'm going to kill that bastard," Jungkook growled.

He stormed over to Namjoon and pulled him away from a startled Yuna. He grabbed him by the collar and punched him right in the face. Jay and you ran over to him and tried to get him to stop.

"Jungkook! Stop it!" Jay said while grabbing him by the waist. He tried to pry him off Namjoon but somehow Jungkook stayed put.

"Namjoon, you dirty waste of air! I should kill you with my bare hands!" 

You didn't do anything but stand there. You were frozen as you watched Jungkook punch Namjoon. Finally, Jay had got him off Namjoon and tried to calm him down.

"You fucker! How dare you hurt Y/N like that! I swear if Jay lets go of me I won't hold back!" Jungkook said while struggling to get out of Jay's grasp.

Namjoon didn't do anything though. He just stood there and wiped off the blood that was coming from his face. He looked at you and said nothing.

"N-Namjoon... I thought you... You promised me..."

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I ruined it all didn't I?" He chuckled and put his head down.

"What kind of freak laughs in a time like this. You can let go now, Jay. Let's take Y/N and lave this piece of scum." 

Jay slowly let of Jungkook. Once he was free, Jungkook took you by the shoulders and nudged you away. 

*At Home*

You were currently locked in your room sitting on the floor. Annie and Jungkook tried to get you to come out but it was no use. They had just now given up on trying to get you out of your room and walked away. What's the point? They're just going to tell me lies to try to make me feel better. I don't need more people to lie to me. 

"I knew this would happen. If only you had died when I first tried to kill you. Now, look what you did to yourself."

Jeivel was leaning against the wall with a smile on his face. He was the last person you wanted to be around but there was nothing you could do about it.

"Poor kid... You thought you actually had a chance with that cheater. Hah! I knew he didn't actually like you. He was just looking for a quick fuck. You just so happened to be around at the time. You didn't actually think you found someone that likes you for you did you? How foolish of you. He only wants you for your body. He doesn't care about you." He laughed.

"You're right. This was all a mistake. I should have never moved in here. I shouldn't have gotten fired from my job. I should have tried harder."

A tear fell from your eye and slowly rolled down your face. Jeivel noticed and grabbed your chin.

"What's this? A tear... How weak and disgusting."

You looked away but he forced you to look at him.

"This tear is just like you. Small and frail. It only has a small amount of time before it becomes useless. Unfortunately, your time is up, darling."

He's right. I'm not needed anymore so what's the fucking point. No one really cared for me. You looked into his black smoky eyes and said something he wanted to hear the most.

"Jeivel... You tried to kill me once and it didn't work... I want you to do your fucking job right this time."

"As you wish, princess." 

A blade formed in his smoky hands. He pulled you up off the floor and held you by the neck.

"I'm going to kill you slowly and painfully. I'll make you wish you were never born." He purred.

A shiver ran down your spine. He slowly inched the blade closer to your neck. You let out a shaky breath that you had been holding in and closed your eyes.

"Do it. Kill me already." You whispered.

"As you wish."

He plunged the knife into your throat and slowly slid it down to your neck. The pain was excruciating. He draged the blade close to your chest and laughed.

"You look wonderful like this."

You could feel the blood draining out of your body. Pain filled every part of your body. You tried to let out a scream but he placed a hand over your mouth.

"Careful there princess. We wouldn't want anyone to stop me, would we?" He asked.

The pain took over your body and you began to black out. Color and sight left you as you could feel yourself drifting away.

This was it. You were dead.

I bet that was unexpected huh. Sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't tell you what happens that fast. I know you probably hate me for the cliffhangers but oh well 😂

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love you all! 💜💜💜

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