Chapter 40

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Y/N's P.O.V.
Miss Sung was standing in the hallway. She was rather disappointed when she saw Namjoon's house and had no shame in saying it.

"Namjoon, I'm sure with the money you have, you could buy one. I can ask my parents to lend you some money if you need me too."

Namjoon was fuming but he remained calm and collected.

"Miss- Yuna, I can assure you that I don't need your parents money. I like my house and I don't think I need a mansion."

She shrugged and walked into the living room. She looked around and sat on the couch.

"So what did you want to talk about?" You asked quietly.

"Mhmm... Let's not do it here. Is there somewhere we can go that's more private?"

"Um... The office? It's pretty private in there."

She looks up in interest and nods her head. You lead her to the office and she closes the door behind her. You both take a seat in the chairs and watch her.

"So, Y/N have you ever been to America?"

"Um, no. Why do you ask?"

"To get to know you better. I want to be friends with you. We could share our secrets with each other." She smiled.

You were surprised but knew very well that Yuna didn't want to actually be friends. She wanted something... But what did she want?

"So since we're going to be friends how about you formally introduce yourself?"

"What did you want to know?" You say nervously.

"What is your family like?"

You freeze at the question and your eyes widen.

"What... How is my family related to this?" You ask.

"I just wanted to know what type of family you were raised in. Is there a problem?"

She leans forward in her chair and tilts her head to the side. You nervously sink in your chair and begin to heat up.

"Um... I was raised in a good house."

She furrows her eyebrows and nods.

"Ok then... What were your parents like? Were they rich? Happy? Divorced?"

You felt uncomfortable and thought this was more of an interagation.

"My parents were... Um... Very strict." You say the last part quietly.

"Good! Now, if you don't mind me asking but why are you living in Namjoon's house?" She eyed you.

It was at this moment that you realized something. She wasn't forcing you to tell the truth. There was no way she could prove that you told her the truth or not. It was time to get smart about this.

"We made a deal that if I became his cook, I could live here."

She looked surprised but nodded.

"So what's your relationship with Namjoon?"

You paused to think before answering her.

"Why does it matter?"

"I was just curious. Namjoon and I have gotten close recently and he's told me some things."

"Close? What do you mean by close?" You ask confused.

She just smiles and runs a hand through her hair.

"That doesn't matter. He did tell me how you two were close friends though. Is it a friend's with benefits type thing?"

"I can assure you that it's not like that. Namjoon and I are just... Just friends." You say nervously.

She watches your facial expressions and seems to be making mental notes.

"Ok then, Y/N... I have an appointment I need to get to, so I'll be off now. I hope we can can meet sometime in the future."

"Yeah, maybe."

She gets up and exits the room. You hear her say goodbye to Namjoon and finally leave. Not long after, Namjoon enters the room and closes the door.

"What did she want?" He asks.

"Nothing much... She said she wanted to be friends but I don't believe her."

"Why would she want to be friends? I don't Yuna to be the type of person to hang around people like you... Uh, no offense." He laughs while rubbing his neck.

"No, I get your point. She wants something from me... But what is it?"

"Maybe she wants beauty tips."

You turn your head and stare at him. He shrugged and smiled. It was now that you notice how close you two were. You mind instantly went to when Namjoon and you had kissed. Your face heats up and you get up from the couch.

"Well Namjoon, I guess I'll just go work on some... Stuff." You laugh nervously.

He places his hand on his heart and looks devastated.

"You're leaving me? Ok then, I'll just be here all alone... All by myself."

"Welp, have fun with that!"

You zoom out of the room and make a run for upstairs.

Um.... Hey 😅

I know that I didn't update Sunday. Sorry about that. Camp was fun... There was a fight on the last night. That was fun to watch.

I wanted to say that I love and appreciate everyone who votes and comments. Thanks goes to my silent readers too. I'll work harder on good updates!


Love you all!

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