Chapter 35

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Y/N's P.O.V.


Today was the day you had to meet Jay. You just wanted it to be over already. Yesterday was such a crazy day. A lot of things happened that you never thought would happen. Who would have thought that your friend would fall in love with you? Hmm, Sounds cliché.

You sat up in bed and ran a hand through your hair. You got up and got ready for the day. Your body was jumbling with nerves and it was hard to concentrate on things. Facing Jay and dealing with Namjoon was going to be hard. Well, it wasn't really dealing with Namjoon, but you knew that it was going to get weird. You decided to try not to think about today and just let it happen.

After finishing your morning routine, you pulled your body down the stairs. You walked into the kitchen and saw a brown lunch bag with your name on it. When you looked inside, there was a cute little note.

Don't miss lunch today! – Namjoon 😊

Your heart swelled at the cute note but you shook off the feeling. It was cute but you had to focus on the day. You grabbed the bag and went to your car. You drove to work listening to the radio and quietly humming along.

At work, there seemed to be a major problem. All of your co-workers were gathered around someones cubical and they were fighting. You put your stuff on your desk and hurried over to find out what was happening.

"Guys, what's wrong?" You asked

"Someone scheduled the meeting with our important business partners for the end of this week and not next week. We have three days to finish the presentation!" Cried your co-worker.

You looked at the screen and saw the date. It had, in fact, been changed. You gasped and tried not to panic.

"Guys! We only have three days! What are you doing standing around?!?!" You yelled.

Everyone looked at each other and then went to work. You flew to your desk and began to work on the presentation.


Namjoon's P.O.V.


Hyun came into the room and sighed.


"Did you clean my workspace?" I asked.

"No. Why?"

"That letter I got from Mrs. Sung... I'm pretty sure I put it on the table over here." I said while pointing to the messy table.

"Um, no you didn't. You threw it when I handed it to you, remember?"

"Huh? Oh wait, I did. Heh." I chuckled.

"Try looking under the table." He said dismissively.

He walked out of the room and closed the doors behind him. I crouched down under the table and looked for the stupid paper. To my surprise, Hyun was right. I picked it up off the floor and stood up. Of course, I had forgotten that I was under the table and hit my head against it. I moved out from under it and rubbed my head. Stupid table.

I scanned over the envelope and opened it. Inside were papers saying that If I didn't pay back the amount due, then I had to go to court for owing money. Owing money? What do I owe Mrs. Sung?

I needed answers and I needed them now. I grabbed the envelope of money and burst past the doors, going straight to my car. Hyun was frantically asking me what I was doing, but I ignored him. I speed all the way to Mrs. Sung's house, angry.

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