Chapter 46

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(A/N: literally sat for five minutes trying to think if 46 was a real number 😂)

Y/N's P. O. V.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open but soon closed due to the bright light. As you sat up, you held your hand up to your eyes to protect them from the harsh light. A small gasp emitted from your lips

There you were again. The white dress and the flowers. Unlike last time, you felt as if you had more time to survey the area.

You were under a giant weeping cherry tree. Some flowers had fallen off and had made a small pile on the ground.

You got up off the ground and wiped any thing off of your dress. The curtain of flowers hid your view from anything past the flowers. As you pushed the branches back, you could make out something in the distance.

When you got closer you saw that it was a table set out for a meal.

"Would you like to join me?"

You gasped and turned around to see the same man from last time. He was tall and had the voice of an angel.

"Who... Who are you?" You asked quietly.

"You're always so curious. Let's eat before I answer that." He chuckled.

He pulled out the chair in front of you and motioned for you to sit. As you sat down you whispered a thank you. He smiled and went to the other side of the table and sat down.

"I know the table is already filled with food but you can wish for anything and it will appear."

He closed his eyes as if he was saying a prayer and soon enough his plate had food on it. Most of it looked like rice but who were you to judge.

You copied his actions and said your favorite food. Suddenly, it was setting on the plate in front of you. You picked up your eating utensils and began to eat.

After he was done eating, the man watched you eat. It was uncomfortable but you were oddly very hungry so you ignored him. Once you were finished you pushed you plate forward and set your elbows on the table.

"I believe you have some questions for me? I'll answer them as best as I can. Hopefully you get what you're looking for." He said playfully.

"Yes... First off... Where am I? I'm supposed to be dead." You explained.

"You are in the middle world. You are neither dead nor alive. This is where you are being held... For now."

"Do I go somewhere else after this?"

"Yes, you do. But that is for you to decide later."

"So... Who are you?" You asked.

His face darkened and he looked away. He seemed to be in pain. You were worried and was able to get up from your chair.

"I... I am..."


Oh hey, would you look at that... It's another cliffhanger! Sorry for the late update, my brain thought it was Wednesday. You can imagine the horror on my face when I realized I didn't update. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!


P. S: Did you guys see Seoul Town Road 😂 my little brother was streaming it...

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