Leaving me alone with Felix.

Felix grabbed a handful of napkins from the counter and jogged back to me and handed them to me. I hesitantly took them from him and wiped the coffee that stubbornly refused to come out.

"You're doing to wrong, Y/N," Felix stated and I ignored him. "You're just spreading the coffee if you do it like that..." He continued but I still ignored him and continued to try and wipe the coffee off of my shirt.

'It was really the worse decision to wear white today of all days!' I mentally scolded myself.

I heard Felix huff in annoyance above me and suddenly the napkins we're grabbed out of my hands. My eyes widened in shock and my head shot up to look at Felix who had the napkins in his hand now.

He gently grabbed my wrist and moved my hand away from my shirt, leaving nothing to cover my soaked shot that showed my hot pink bra and bare abdomen.

My body froze at the contact of his hand on my wrist and I felt completely hopeless. I kept telling myself to do something but my body refused to respond, leaving me completely dazed.

Felix gulped visually before reluctantly using the napkins to dap on the coffee on my shirt. My heart was racing a thousand miles a minute as he cleaned the coffee on my shirt, but it felt so weird having him touch me on my chest, especially since we were no longer together.

I wouldn't have minded this sort of thing at all if we were still dating, but we no longer were. It wasn't right for him to do this sort of thing for me anymore.

I was still under some sort of spell when a bell rang through the cafe and someone entered the cafe.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I heard a deep voice bark and I finally snapped out of my daze. I whipped my head around and saw Jaemin standing at the cafe's entrance with a scowl on his face.

My eyes widened at the sight of Jaemin and I was speechless. Even Felix next to me was shocked by Jaemin's sudden appearance.

"Would one of you like to explain what exactly it is that I'm seeing?" Jaemin gritted his teeth.

It was then that realised just how close Felix's and my body. But not only were our bodies close but the way we were standing and how Felix was cleaning my shirt for me, we looked rather intimate. It was easy for anyone watching us to get the wrong idea, and that's exactly what had happened.

Jaemin walked into the cafe and immediately thought that something was going on, even though nothing was happening.

"It's not what it looks like, Jaemin..." I said gently and moved away from Felix. Jaemin, however, didn't seem to believe me.

His jaw ticked in annoyance and he moved forward with big angry strides towards Felix. His hands balled into fists this side and I knew exactly what was going to happen next.

I quickly jumped in between the two boys and Jaemin came to an abrupt halt. He stopped marching, but his infuriated eyes were still locked on the male behind me. "Y/N, get out of my way," Jaemin growled.

"No," I said stubbornly. "I don't want you to fight with Felix. Please. I'm begging you."

"Princess, you really shouldn't get involved in men's business," Felix said from behind me.

"Don't call me princess," I snapped and shot him a warning look over my shoulder. He smiled smugly but held his hands in the air in surrender.

"Y/N, I don't want to accidentally hurt you, so please do me a favour and move out of the way before I lose control." Jaemin refused to back down and continued to stare at Felix with the ugliest scowl I've ever seen.

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