Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!

Start from the beginning

"So it was true..." She stated softly with unshed tears in her eyes, I only smiled at her and moved closer, stroked her cheek and pulled her into my arms as the tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm here baby, I'm here and I'm sorry I took so long, God I'm sorry" I whispered stroking her hair but she shook her head slightly and when I pulled back, she lifted her head and shook her head wiping her tears away. Here it comes.... Bracing myself for the slap I know is coming.

"No... No" she says through gritted teeth and more tears as she shook her head even more violently.

"I'm so.. I'm sorry" she says through her tears and I let her go and regarded her, she didn't look like she was mad at me, she didn't look like she was happy to see me either, she looks scared, petrified even. Titling my head to the side, I watched as she turns her head away from me, guiltily?

"Kiara what are you sorry for, I fucked up I kn-" I was busy saying because she's confusing me and causing my stomach to twist as I watched her turn her head my way, tears still rolling down her face as she looked at me with a broken look on her face but her eyes held guilt, but for what?!

"Baby what's going on, talk to me. You fucking scaring me" I said and instinctively my hand flew to her stomach, it can't be right? Not our babies... And when I looked up she shook her head and wiped the tears away roughly.

"They're fine, but I messed up and I'm sorry...I... really am" she said sniffling and wiping at her face again. "I did something you will never forgive me for" she said more clearer now, shaking her head, like she can't believe it or something.

"But you have to understand I was so angry and hurt by you faking your death and not telling me about it, I felt so betrayed, I was beside myself and I'm so-" she was busy and was about to apologise yet again, gritting my teeth as that petrified feeling came back tenfold, I had to cut her off.

"Kiara if you apologise one more time I'm gonna lose it, just tell me what the fuck you're talking about" I said moving a few inches away from her, something she didn't miss and she chocked on a sob that broke through her and she nods her head probably at herself for some reason, swallowing a few times and wiping her face again, she clears her throat and I sat up straighter instantly.

"When I overheard Dante yelling at Francesco about you being alive, I was shocked so much so that I was shaking uncontrollably and couldn't even stand on my feet" she says shaking her head again. "But that didn't last long because I remembered how your so called death had affected me, for two weeks I cried myself to sleep, I didn't eat regularly the way I was suppose to, I didn't even spend time with our kids" she says the last part softly with more tears and I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart for what I have done to her, even if I had no idea what was happening.

"I got so angry because I realized that you kept me in the dark and if that's not enough, you probably watched me brake apart from the shadows and did nothing, and when you did decide to reveal yourself, it was to your brothers, not me" she says with a little sad laugh shaking her head unbelievably.

"That hurt me more you know..." She says with even more tears and when I tried to reach for her she shook her head, holding up her hand for me to stop. "Don't" she whispered lowering her head.

"I'm sorry, but you don't understand what ha-" I was busy saying when she cut me off.

"I'm not done" she says and I nodded my head knowing she needs to vent, she needs to get it all off her chest. "I walked out of our home feeling nothing but rage, hatred and betrayed. All the things I never imagined I'd ever feel because of you. And because of that I drove out of here with the full intention of hurting you as badly as you did me" she said and the tears just multiplied as they streamed down her face as she said the last part, and in that moment I felt my heart racing, my head felt like it's about to explode and breath caught in my throat as I waited for the dreadful news she's about to break to me. I could see that it was bad, judging by the way she's looking at me and by the way Dante was acting...

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