Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 15 January 2023)

Stephano's POV

As soon as we walked into Dante's hospital room, he opened his eyes and looked from me to my father and then at the door and his face had this unreadable expression on and if you didn't know him as well I as I do, then you wouldn't have noticed the fact that he was hoping we were someone else, that we were Aurora as it showed all over his face, well to me at least because I know him. That disappointment that just showed on his face tells me that my plan will not be excepted by him, I can feel it.

"Son how you feeling?" My father asks as soon as he was in front of Dante and all Dante did was look from him to me, without answering.

"Aurora?" He grunted out and my father and I shared a look and then looked down at him, he can't know that she walked away.

"Dante do you know what happened to you?" I asked instead, trying to change the subject and it worked as he clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, while my father looked at me like I'm stupid for even asking him that, since he still thinks Dante drank too much.

"I know I was drugged and that she... she..." He said not able to finish what he was saying as it broke him to even think of it and it pulled at my heart strings to see him like this, she meant a lot to him and this is breaking him.

"What do you mean you were drugged? The doctor said you have alco-" my father was busy saying when I cut him off.

"The doctor told you what I wanted him to say in front of the girls but that's not what's wrong with him, he doesn't have alcohol poisoning, he was drugged and well I'll give you the rest of the information later but for now just know that Dante was infact poisoned with two types of drugs and we think Maddie is responsible" I said or more like tried to explain without going into detail and Dante and my father looked at me surprised.

"What?!" My father yelled.

"How do you know?" Dante grunted shocked.

Both said at the same time and I looked at them and shook my head. "Listen I'll explain to you both later on, now isn't the right time or place to have this conversation but Dante you cannot tell anyone that you were drugged and well you know the rest, just don't tell anyone, including Aurora. Dad I'll explain tonight, just don't let Maddie know that we are on to her" I said to my father and Dante groaned as he tried lifting himself into a sitting position, which my father and I both jumped to help him into a comfortable sitting position.

"What do you mean I mustn't tell Aurora what happened? She saw me naked on the bed and asked if it's true? Clearly she thinks I slept with Maddie, not that she raped me after she drugged me!"  He tried shouting but couldn't but by the look on his face, told me he was yelling at me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN RAPED YOU?!" My father growled out when I shook my head at him.

"I said I'll explain what really happened later okay?" I said and he clenched his jaw and walked towards the window in the room, turning his back to us.

"Listen Dante, I need to find out what Maddie's reasons are first and then we will take it from there, she ca-" I was busy saying when he cut me off.

"What the fuck are you talking about huh? She did this because last time she came onto me I refused her, twice already, she wanted me to fuck her, don't you see that, this is so she can come between Aurora and I, so that she can have me!" He shouted and I was taken aback, I mean this was what it was about? Her wanting him to fuck her? Not because she had other motives? What the fuck?!

"I can see all the questions running through your mind right now but Steph that all happened over the last few weeks, no one knows of that because I didn't tell anyone, not even Aurora but Steph there is no reason for an investigation or a plan or lies. I'm telling Aurora the truth because I didn't betray her, I would never! And then I'll deal with Maddie myself, okay?" He asked seriously and I looked to my father who was now standing opposite me, on the other side of Dante's hospital bed and he nodded his head.

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