Chapter 20 - BE MINE!

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 15 January 2023)

Aurora's POV

As soon as the doctor said what was wrong with Dante, I walked away because I knew then and there that I was right, that Dante and his best friend went out partying and brought the party back to his room. But then I thought back to what I know about him, infact about all these guys, sure they're dangerous and ruthless but they are the most loyal men I've ever met, something I've actually admired. And as soon as I let my defenses down, I realized that Dante is exactly like his brother when it comes to loyalty, honesty, respect, they are all the same, very against betrayal in the business as well as in their personal life.

With that thought in mind, I knew that no matter what I SAW happened last night between them, I know that he didn't sleep with her because he wanted her, it's because he had way too much to drink and she took advantage of that. I'm sure of it now, the way the doctor explained what's wrong with him, I could tell that he had way more to drink than he normally drank and judging by his current state, I'd say wherever they went last night, was all her doing, she's sly like that.

I wouldn't even be surprised if she was the one that drove him to drink that much. But then again, for the five years I've known Dante, he never drank himself so drunk that it led to him being rushed to the hospital. Something isn't right but who am I to argue with the doctors findings? Maybe he was upset about something or maybe that's how they use to party back in the day and now that they spend the day together in so many years, they decided to party like they use to back then, I don't know...

"Aurora! Are you okay? Are you leaving?" Kiara's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"No I'm not leaving and I'm fine, I just needed a minute alone. I'll go back inside in a few" I said turning to her, plastering a fake smile on my face and she gave me the 'really' look, clearly not falling for it.

"You know you can talk to me right?" She asks and I nodded my head and turned away from her and she signed. "Look, I take it that the fact that the doctor confirmed that Dante had a lot to drink last night, you think that he went out partying with Maddie and that they did things afterwards in his room, right? But Aurora, you know Dante better than that, do you really think he made love to her because he wanted her?" She asked and I Immediately turned back to her and shook my head.

"I will admit, I had thought that the second I saw her leaving his room naked underneath a blanket but the more I thought about it, I knew that he wasn't in the right state of mind. Dante and all the guys have one thing in common, something I've noticed over the past years I've gotten to know them all and that's loyalty. Sure Dante and I aren't an official couple but I do know that his loyal to me. I know he meant it when he said he belonged to me, heart, mind, body and soul. It's just that she got it right to play him and use the love and trust he has in her and used that to have her way with him, that's just a truth that's a bit hard to swallow you know?" I said wiping the tear that had escaped because I know no matter the reason they slept together, it happened and that's something I can never change, it happened and I have the proof of it.

"That might be right, but what if they didn't actually sleep together and you are just jumping to conclusions?" She asked.

"Look if I had heard about it tomorrow or if she were throwing it in my face maybe later on after she got dressed, I might have believed the same thing but Kiara, you didn't see her this morning, the proof was there, not to mention the fact that we all saw how naked Dante was" I said leaving out the main reason why I know what they did, the proof that I got, and she shook her head.

"That doesn't prove anything! She could've made it seem like that is what happened, none of us were there, I think you should speak to him first" she said and I gritted my teeth, knowing that for her to understand why I'm so adamant, I had to show her.

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