Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...

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SAME DAY - (Sat, 18 February 2023)

Third Party's POV

Giovanni and Elijah pulled themselves together, both knew they had to know more about Stephano's condition because as much as no news are good news in most cases, they both knew that in this situation no news after so many hours could only mean one thing, that Stephano's case is real bad because if it wasn't, they would have gotten news by now. So without saying a word Giovanni let go of Elijah, pattered him on the shoulder and then the two both bowed their heads and had a silent moment for a few seconds for their brother Dimitri, whom they lost and then both walked away from a still unconscious Dante's room, back to the dreadful hallway.

When the two got near to the operating room 1, they saw Kiara already sitting there with her head in her hands and Sam back in his position on the other side of Chris, guarding the operating doors. Both men agreed quietly, that they wouldn't share the news about Dimitri with anyone yet because they could see Kiara was already a mess, and the Lord only knows what her husband's state is, plus Justin being in a critical State and the next 24hours would determined whether he'll make it or not, will definitely push her over the edge, and they didn't want to risk her or the babies health.

So Kiara, Giovanni and Elijah waited for over an hour before they finally heard the double doors Stephano was in, being clicked opened and then seconds later the doors swung open and a distraught looking Dr Jacobs walked out. As soon as the doctor noticed the three of them standing there looking at him expectantly, the doctor stopped in his tracks and looked to each of them, stopping at Kiara and his face turned to pain stricken one, the doctor stared at her silently for a minute and then he immediately lowered his head.

Both Giovanni and Elijah knew then and there what news there was. While Kiara stood there clueless of what's happening, of why the doctor just stood there staring at her and when he lowered his head, she got this dreadful feeling and her heart started to hurt as she took a step forward but stopped when she noticed Sam and Chris who was standing by the doors guarding, both too lowered their heads simultaneously and when she turned back to Giovanni and Elijah, she saw Elijah crying silently and Giovanni's head lowered with his arms holding his head. Kiara immediately knew they read the doctor and she instantly started hyperventilating.

"Mrs Romano, I need you to breath, follow my breathing and calm down" the doctor said, jumping into action the second he noticed Kiara was about to have a panic attack, he actually second guessed his action for a few seconds and thought twice about whether or not to give her the horrible news.

"NO! Where's Steph? What's wrong with him? TELL ME...!" Kiara shouted out of breath, with bulging teary eyes and a rapid beating heart.

The doctor looked towards Giovanni and Elijah for help or for some kind of permission on whether he should tell Kiara or not, but the two was already busy mourning and lost in their own grief to be of any kind of help to the doctor. While Kiara stared at the doctor but at the same time not really seeing him either, so the doctor knew she already knew what he was about to say to her, but at the same time needed him to deny it. She needed someone to say that it wasn't true, and he hated that he was the one that had to crush the hope she's clearly holding onto. Unknowing to the grieving family, the bitchy nurse of earlier was standing down the hall watching everything with a smug smile on her face.

"I'm sorry Mrs Romano, he didn't make it..." The doctor was busy saying when Kiara's cut the doctor off, startling him.

"NO! NO!!!!!" Kiara screamed angrily, no sign of pain. She not only cut the doctor off but also caught the attention of all the four grieving men in the hallway, snapping them out of their state instantly.

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