Chapter 14 - Radio Silence

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3 DAYS LATER - (Mon, 12 December 2022)

Dante's POV

It's been 3 days since I last heard from Steph, Gio or Elijah, all three of their phones are off and I haven't heard a word from Francesco since he warned me to get Kiara them out. I don't know what's happening that side, it's RADIO SILENCE! I have a fucking bad feeling about this whole shit. Kiara nagged me whole damn weekend because she too is worried sick about Steph. Last night Kiara rushed to my room and turned on the TV, showing me the news about a gun fight that happened in London.

Since then I tried calling everyone I knew but no one knew a thing, it's like Steph never even made it to London, well at least that's what the officials say. According to them and the underworld, it's the Albanians and some other crew that went head to head but strangely the Italians was not mentioned. Steph's jet is off the grid, it's like they never even arrived in London. I'm freaking out! My father too had people checking out what the fuck is happening, he had arranged all the girls to come here so we can work together in finding out what the fuck happened in the last three days.

Roberto, Jayden and Dimitri is currently on their way to London, my father and I are too heading out there in a few days but we are trying to get all the arrangements done so we can place Kiara and the kids somewhere new, yet safe because we don't know if we've been infiltrated or if we have yet another trader amongst us, we can't take any chances. I try not to panic as I need to keep a clear head because things just aren't making any sense, the guy that landed in a private jet was infact Gabe, apparently he was paid to be a double agent, he was to feed Francesco info but the info apparently came straight from his boss, someone by the name of Edward Kennedy but the info is shit.

Our guys were ready and waiting for him to exist the jet when it landed and now his in our lock up. He said that he was ordered to tell Francesco that Kennedy was on his way to America, meanwhile Kennedy is still safe in London and this Gabe guy was set up to play the Albanian Mafia Don, when we got word of this Saturday, early hours of the morning, we tried to get a hold of one of them but Gio, Elijah and Steph's phones were off.

The shit part of it is, that sure we do have other hackers and I.T guys in our payroll but none of them are as good as Elijah. I myself can hack into systems but for some reason every CCTV camera in London has massive encryptions and firewalls on that the fucking FBI couldn't even hack into, yes we have guys in our pockets that's working for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies as well but none of them were of any help.

I know I'm not suppose to panic but fuck if I can help it, I can't think clearly because something I tried to prevent from happening, seems to have happened and the fucked up part of that is, we aren't there to see for ourselves what the fuck is going on. This Kennedy guy set them up good, and the shit part of it is, they are on his territory and he has the power to cover his tracks, hence the reason why Steph and the others tracks that leads to London were erased, they covered their tracks so well that it seemed like Steph were never even near London, let a lone in it. So all in all this situation is fucking fucked up!

"Dante, we are set for take off on Wednesday. Dubois is sending his jet for us, we are set to fly to France then take the arranged ferry over to England, it'll take about 1 and half for us to get to England from France" my father says not lifting his head from his laptop as his sitting behind the desk, the desk that belongs to my brother.

"I'm surprised Raphael agreed with the plan" I said as I was the one that actually thought it'll be safer for us to commute from another country into England, with other transportation, instead of using our own which can be identified easily, and we wouldn't want that since we are to stay under the radar and since I knew France was due their order this week. I had my father contact Raphael Dubois, his the French Mafia Don and they are one of our alliances, so I thought it'll be easier to reach out for a favor and Raphael loves favors and he makes it his mission to make you sweat when you owe him, not knowing when he'll call in that favor or what it'll be, he gets off on that. But I ain't worried because Raphael knows better than to make an enemy out of the Romano's.

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