Chapter 18 - So it's true...?

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SAME DAY - (Sun, 15 January 2023)

Aurora's POV

I woke up this morning with an excited smile on my face, knowing that I'll be spending the day with Dante. God I've missed him, crazy I know because we do live in the same house or more like SLEEP in the same house as this isn't our permanent home. I can only imagine how badly Steph wants all of us to leave his house because he likes to be home with his family, alone but Kiara wants us to stay, for how long I'm not sure but neither of the girls are complaining, myself included because here it's like living in a damn palace!
A big part of me is dreading the day Steph decides to kick us out because then I'll see even less of Dante. Even with our rooms only two doors apart, we hardly see each other as his almost never here and when we get kicked out, Lord only knows what will happen then between Dante and I, because let's face it, he hasn't even made us official yet even if we are acting like we are, we both know that we're not. But today is so not the day to worry myself about such unimportant matters, because right now I'm getting ready to surprise him with breakfast in bed, REAL breakfast this time.

I had asked Luigi if I could use his kitchen, instead of one of the other two that's here in the estate as his is the closest to the private wing. He was reluctant at first because he does not allow anyone in his kitchen but I pulled out my charm and I got it right after an hour of begging and charming him, which he finally agreed to only because he wanted me to shut up. I had came back to my bedroom and got dressed because Steph does not like it when we walk around in our nightgowns, outside of our bedrooms and I do not want to be kicked out for disobeying his rules. I was just about ready to head towards the hallway that will lead me to kitchen, when I heard my name being called from behind me.

"Aurora!" When I turned around, Elijah was making his way towards me and I furrowed my brows as he looked pretty serious.

"Morning" I said in greeting as soon as he stood in front of me.

"Morning, sorry man I just have a lot on my mind. Listen can we talk for a second?" He asked and I gave him a questioning look because what could he possibly want to talk to me about? "It's about the information I was looking into for you. But we need to talk in private" he says and then looks around, probably to see if we have been spotted. This seems serious, I guess he found something!

"Sure, we can go talk in my bedroom?" I offered, not sure that either of us would be comfortable with that but he nodded seriously any way, so I turned on my heal and headed back towards my bedroom door.

Just when I was about to turn the knob of my bedroom door, we both heard a door being slammed and when we turned into that direction, my heart felt like it was being pulled out of my chest and stabbed with the sharpest knife over and over again as I watched Maddie walk from Dante's room, a blanket covering her body. It's obvious that she's naked underneath the blanket, judging by the way she was clutching to it. She had sex hair, she looked thoroughly fucked!

It took everything in me not to march up to her and beat the shit out of her but I knew I couldn't do that, I had no right over him, his single and like she said before, he belongs to her. I guess I deserve the pain I'm feeling as I watch Maddie slowly making her way towards her bedroom, right opposite Dante's. Was I not good enough for him? Is this the reason why he wouldn't even talk about making us official because he wanted to fuck both her and I? Or is this payback for what I did to him back then? But then again she does look pissed for some reason, maybe it's just my imagination, I mean why would she be pissed if she finally got what she wanted? I was brought out of my thoughts by Elijah.

"Common Aurora, let's just go inside" he said grabbing my arm and when I looked to my side, I noticed him standing next to me with pity in his eyes, he obviously noticed the hurt on my face as I had completely forgotten that I was still standing here staring at her.

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