No Brakes (Vol 2)

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White fang member: We Need more back up, it's the Mad dog!!!

You: (Sighs) I'd wish they stop calling me that.

Blake: Well you've always been reckless.

Vlad: Heh I think it suits you.

Your team along with team RWBY and Oobleck were making your way through the tunnels  to the underground city of mountain Glenn.The further down you all made it the more white fang members started to emerge, Yang and Vlad both disposed of them using concussive blast from both their gauntlets and arrows as you and Wendy dashed ahead to deal with the rest. Using the back of your blade you knocked a few of them unconscious as Wendy sent some flying through the walls of the abandoned buildings with her heavy blade.

You: (whistles) A little much don't you think?

Wendy: I don't like being underground especially after hearing this place is some big tomb.

Vlad: Then Lets hurry and find Ruby so we can leave.

You all rounded the corner of a building as Yang just sent more fang members flying when you saw Ruby leaping over Torchwick and running towards your group. As she did she was surrounded by a group of white fang members who aimed their gun at her. Yang fires off another blast from her weapon clearing them away from Ruby.

Yang: (as Ruby jumps into her arms) Ruby!

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there.

Blake: What?! (hands Ruby her weapon.)

Ruby: Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!

Oobleck: Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end.

Roman: (across a speaker system) Get to your places, we are leaving now!

You: You heard the man.

The train starts moving towards the tunnels.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.

Ruby: We need backup. Let me call Jaune.

Ruby's Scroll flashes "Low Signal".

Ruby: I can't get through!

Vlad: We're a good ways from the city.

Tobias: Not to mention Underground.

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Oobleck: I believe we only have one option...

Ruby: (turning around) We're stopping that train!

You: Lets hop a train then.

Both teams rushed after the train and climbed to the top while Oobleck went to deal with the lone white fang member that was the lookout. Once he was done he joins you all on the top of the train.

Oobleck: Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss: Err... Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss: (pointing down a hatch into the train) What's that?

You: (sees what's in the hatch) Oh don't tell me.

Oobleck: (kneels down to take a look) That my dear... appears to be a bomb.

Everyone besides Oobleck cringe away from the hatch.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now