Burning the Candle (Vol 2)

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Vlad: (slamming down large box) Oh man, what is in this thing?

Yang: Oh you know just a fog machine.

Vlad: (leans against box) Didn't Coco specifically say "No fog machines"

Yang:(playing dumb) Huh? Did she? Well we already have it so might as well use it.

Vlad: Uh Huh.

Yang: (To Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Weiss: (walks up to Yang, pointing in her face) If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Vlad: Hey I didn't lug this thing all the way here for no reason, it's staying.

The girls are interrupted by the sound of doors opening.

Neptune: (walking in with Sun) Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: (stepping up to him, becoming sweet) We were thinking about it...

Vlad: seriously.

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: (acting suave) You ladies all excited for dress-up?

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!

Vlad: That will make two of us, and know that I don't like sharing.

Yang:(Puts arm around him) I don't either.

Weiss: (addressing Sun and Neptune) What are you two wearing?

Sun: Uuhhh... this? (gestures to his outfit)

Vlad: Really dude?

Neptune: Ignore him for he knows not what he says.

Sun: Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.

Vlad & Yang: (mirroring Ruby's and Weiss' faces) Yeah, we noticed.

Sun: (rubbing the back of his head) Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?

Weiss: Obviously and from the looks of it Y/n's been acting the same.

Vlad: Well your not wrong there.

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind.

Yang: Guys. (everyone looks at her as she starts walking out) Trust me; Blake will be at the dance tomorrow. And Vlad you make sure that Y/n shows up too.

Vlad: Easier said than done but sure.

Weiss: That reminds what about your other two teammates.

Vlad: Tobias said he'd rather be tossed into a hoard of Grimm and Wendy, she's been acting strange for the pass few days.

Sun: Sounds like your team is going through a lot of drama.

Vlad: (walking towards the exit) Trust me monkey boy, you have no idea.

{Time Skip}
Vlad's POV

I'm sure Yang has some sort of plan to convince Blake but I don't even know where to start when it comes to Y/n. Maybe Wendy would have better luck that than I would. As I entered the dorm building and headed to my floor,  Cardin Winchester was standing in front of team TWLT's room.

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