Moutain Glenn (Vol 2)

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As you laid on the roof of the building staring at the stars you drifted into a sound sleep. You started to dream about the darkest time of your life. In between shifts in the dust mines were one a of the few breaks the faunus can get before succumbing to exhaustion from the work load. You had just finished loading the last of the raw dust into cart before you slumped to the ground to take a rest.

???: Here you worked pretty hard today.

You looked up in time to catch the water bottle tossed to you by Adam, you smiled at him as he sat down next to you.

You: (takes a drink) Thanks Adam.

Adam: Anytime little brother. Make sure you keep wearing a mask, inhaling raw dust is no joke.

You: Yeah yeah I know. (looks at Adam's head) Your horns are growing out again.

Adam: It really is bothersome having shaving them down.

You: You never had a problem when mom did it for you. (Sad) I miss how she used to groom my tail for me too.

Adam: I know Y/n, I know.

Overseer: Hey you two back to work!

Adam: (stands up) The others haven't even arrived yet.

The overseer punches Adam in his stomach making him buckle over. You rushed to your brothers side only to be pushed to be push as the overseer lifts Adam up by one of his horns.

You: Let him go!

You ran at the overseer with your fist raised as he kicks you in the stomach, you fell to your knee holding your stomach as more humans starts.

Overseer 2: What's going on hear.

Overseer: Just some lazy insubordinate Faunus.

Overseer 3: Oh I know them they're the Little shits always going on about making it out of the mines. And making a difference for Faunus everywhere.

They all start to laugh.

Overseer: How about we teach them a lesson.

You struggled as they dragged you and Adam to an empty room it was dark until one of the humans lit a fire.

Adam: Do what you want to me just leave my little brother.

Overseer: Now where's the fun in that, have at it boys.

The overseers start to kick, punch and hit you with a metal rod, you could hear Adam yell for them to stop but they didn't, you couldn't even yell yourself because the wind was knocked out of you. After about ten minutes they finally stopped. You were barley conscious when you saw them turn their attention from you to Adam. The look in his eyes, behind the tears they were full of rage.

Adam: I swear I'll make you pay for this.

Overseer: Such fire in your eyes, I say we fix that.

The men laugh as one of them reaches over for a branding iron with the letters SDC on it. He rests it in the fire until it glows red hot before holding it in front of Adam.

Overseer 2: Lets make sure you never forget where you belong.

You closed your eyes when a loud twisted scream pierced your ears. You opened your eyes again when it stopped to see Adam facedown on the ground, you tried to crawl towards him when the three men went to stand in front of you.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now